Danny Avdia: “I’m not used to not being in the playoffs”

by time news

Danny Avdia Is in the middle of the race for the playoffs with the Washington Wizards. In recent months, the Israeli representative in the NBA has experienced an increase in his status in the team from the US capital and towards the continuation of the fight in the best league in the world, he was a guest on the program ‘Fives’ and talked about the state of the team, the relationship with Kristaps Porzingis and the goals for the future.

  • The full interview will be broadcast tonight at 23:45 on Thursday

“I know a lot of things that I didn’t know on my first day in the league,” he said, “This includes trying to play against all the teams, against all the tactics in the NBA. There is no situation that I haven’t seen in terms of minutes, status, opponents, methods of play that I play against. I learned a lot. It will take a lot of time to go into detail, but that’s in general.”

What is the next step you need to take to register another promotion?
“The first thing is my confidence as a player, to take more shots and be more important both in decisions in the attack and to continue to keep the best players as I do. I enjoy seeing my progress, I need to be more consistent in games. I am often less aggressive and more tired compared to Games where I feel better. I try to maintain consistency and take the amount of shots I can take. Be more creative and score at better percentages.”

Was the good relationship with Porzingis created off the court and affect the court or vice versa?
“I think the relationship off the field led to a good relationship on the field. Even last year when he arrived we had some good games. We were kind of a trio – me, him and Storanski. When Storanski left then me and Porzingis started to bond more. We went out together outside of training, we talked about things of Life is also off the field. This bond has been transferred onto the field, we talked about how we will make each other better on the field. We have chemistry, we understand each other and know what each one needs to do. He looks for me and I look for him, it’s something we developed. I hope to continue it.”

When asked about one thing he has improved on recently, Avdia said: “I think I’m getting into the basket better. It’s easier for me to get a touch and finish. I don’t miss layups anymore and sink a lot more. I need to start going left, but if it’s not broken there’s nothing to fix. Until we find a solution I’ll keep going right and when the time comes Go left and diversify I’ll do it. Lucky I have a whole summer to work on it.”

Do you think you will be a playoff team?
“I hope very much, I’m not used to not being in the playoffs. It changes all the time, this league is really dynamic and I believe we have a good chance to reach the playoffs, we have a team with a lot of talent.”

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