USA: Iran will be able to produce enough material for a nuclear bomb in a week and a half

by time news

In the United States, it was reported tonight (Wednesday) that a senior official in the American Defense Ministry admitted that Iran is capable of producing in just 12 days the amount of fissile material it needs for a nuclear bomb.

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It was also reported that the senior official said that “Iran’s nuclear progress since the Trump administration withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal has been extraordinary. When the previous administration decided to leave the deal, it would have taken Iran about a year to produce enough fissile material to make a nuclear bomb, which it now can do within a week and a half.”

In the meantime, it is claimed that officials in the Biden administration have been warning for months that the period of time Iran would need to produce enough fissile material for one nuclear bomb has been reduced to weeks. However, the time of the hack does not mean that Iran will be able to produce an actual bomb in that time period.

The Iranian nuclear facility in Natanz, archive (Photo: Reuters)

The Iranian nuclear facility in Natanz, archive (Photo: Reuters)

As you may recall, the International Atomic Energy Agency recently recognized that Iran had enriched uranium to a rate of 84%, only 6% less than the level needed to develop a nuclear weapon. According to a report on the “Bloomberg” network, two senior diplomats claimed that since 90% is the level needed to develop a nuclear weapon, the Iranians will no longer be able to claim that it is enrichment for research.

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