Françoise Schwab, author of “Vladimir Jankélévitch, the irresistible charm of the je-ne-sais-quoi”

by time news

Pierre-Édouard Deldique receives in Idées: Françoise Schwab, for his book devoted to the philosopher and musicologist Vladimir Jankélévitch. The latter questioned Greece, the Roman legacy and that of all of Europe. Vladimir Jankélévitch was a man of his time, a Socrates in the middle of the city, whether in Prague, Lyon or during the events of May 68, even during the Estates General of Philosophy at the Sorbonne in 1979.

“Vladimir Jankélévitch, the irresistible charm of the je-ne-sais-quoi”, by Françoise Schwab. © Editions Albin Michel

Françoise Schwab, who is our guest, was one of her relatives, she published the posthumous works of Vladimir Jankélévitch and organized numerous conferences devoted to the topicality and originality of his work. His essay proposes to cross the biographical and intellectual dimensions of this major thinker. His book is titled: Vladimir Jankélévitch, the irresistible charm of the je-ne-sais-quoi “. It is published by Albin Michel.

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