Hypoglycemia and Diabetes, April 29 social talk online

by time news

False myths and recommendations about hypoglycemia and physical activity; how and when to use the “15 rule”; technology to support the management of hypoglycemia; advice for parents, teachers, coaches on how to manage hypoglycemia in children during extra-family activities; the role of caregivers in hypoglycemic crises. These are just some of the themes at the center of the social talk entitled “Hypoglycemia: getting informed is the first step”, promoted as part of the “Hypoglycemia – Don’t be surprised” campaign, scheduled for Thursday 29 April at 11.30.

A comparison with the specialists attended by: Andrea Scaramuzza, head of Endocrinology, Diabetology & Pediatric Nutrition of the Asst of Cremona and Salvatore Piro, head of the Day hospital Internal Medicine and Diabetology of the Garibaldi-Nesima hospital in Catania and National Secretary of the Italian Society of diabetology (Sid), conducted by the Rai Radio 1 journalist Annalisa Manduca.

The experts – reports a note – will answer directly to patients’ questions on the management of hypoglycemia: a constant threat that accompanies the daily life of people with diabetes and conditions it; the most important acute complication of type 1 and 2 diabetes, which if not managed quickly and effectively can lead to loss of consciousness and coma. The information and readiness of the patient and those close to him are fundamental.

Helping patients and caregivers not to be ‘surprised’ by hypoglycemia and inviting them to inquire about how to act when it occurs are the objectives of “Hypoglycemia – Do not be surprised”, an information and awareness campaign promoted by Diabete Italia onlus and Diabetes Portal with the patronage of the Diabetic Doctors Association (Amd), Sid and Siedp (Italian Society of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology) with the support of Lilly. There are three actions that the campaign intends to promote: recognize the signs of hypoglycemia in time, intervene with the administration of sugar – even in the form of lumps, honey or fruit juice – in the mild forms, while for the severe forms it must be available glucagon, a hormone that is able to raise blood sugar and which can be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly and now, in the new spray formulation, also by inhalation.

The core of the “Hypoglycemia – Don’t be surprised” campaign is the website http://www.ipoglicemianonfartisorprese.it where patients and caregivers can find information and emergency rules for hypoglycemic episodes, on the do’s and don’ts, on how to act in different situations, etc; as well as informative video pills and a downloadable brochure in pdf format. For information on where and how to connect to the social talk: https://www.ipoglicemianonfartisorprese.it/la-campagna/ipoglicemia-informarsi-e-il-primo-passo/.

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