Omicron: Significant symptoms seen in people with Omicron; Says the doctor

by time news

Africa, First Published Dec 8, 2021, 4:46 PM IST

Most patients with Omicron have mild symptomsSouth African Medical Association (SAMA) Chairperson Dr. Angelic Cte d’Ivoire Said. Angelique said he had treated 70 patients affected by the new variant.

The Xinhua news agency reported that most patients showed mild symptoms such as headaches, body aches and sore throats. They say patients who have not been vaccinated have shown relatively severe symptoms.

These symptoms are different from the delta variant. This could change as the number of cases increases, Angelique said. Omicron is different from other variants. The smell and taste are not lost. They also said that this variant affects the muscles the most.

Angelique said the new variant showed symptoms in patients who had not been vaccinated. People who had not been vaccinated had severe fatigue and other symptoms. In the last 24 hours, 6,381 new Kovid cases and related deaths have been reported in South Africa National Institute for Communicable Diseases Reported Monday.

The omicron variant is the latest variant of the corona virus. This species was first identified in South Africa. Omicron is thought to be more potent than current corona virus variants.

Most patients get mild symptoms says South African doctor

Emphasize wearing a mask in compliance with the Kovid protocol. Hands should be sanitized. Crowds should be avoided. Select open spaces. Existing vaccines have so far been shown to reduce the severity of morbidity and mortality by preventing Kovid variants.

Omikron was first identified in South Africa. The virus, identified in three people, spread to South Africa in less than four weeks. People who have received the full dose of the vaccine are also infected.

The National Institute for Communicable Diseases states that Omicron may overcome the body’s immune system, but current vaccines can help prevent the disease from getting worse and preventing death.

Omicron; Are current vaccines effective?

Last Updated Dec 8, 2021, 4:54 PM IST


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