Ortega’s dictatorship dissolves Cáritas Nicaragua

by time news

March 8, 2023 / 5:20 p.m.

The dictatorship of Daniel Ortega dissolved Cáritas Nicaragua, the solidarity aid organization of the Catholic Church that assists those most in need in the Central American country.

On March 7, the official newspaper La Gaceta reported ministerial agreement 30-2023-OSFL of the Ministry of the Interior, led by Minister María Amelia Coronel Kinloch, which cancels the legal status of Cáritas Jinotega and Cáritas Nicaragua.

The text states that “on January 31 of the year two thousand and twenty-three, through Act No. 79 of the Extraordinary Assembly of Members of Cáritas Nicaragua, they agreed to the Voluntary Dissolution and liquidation of said organization, by unanimous decision of its members, requesting Cáritas Nicaragua, before the General Directorate of Registration and Control of Non-Profit Organizations of the Ministry of the Interior, the Cancellation of the Legal Personality by Voluntary Dissolution”.

For this reason, the legal status of Cáritas Nicaragua was canceled and the “General Directorate for Registration and Control of Non-Profit Organizations of the Ministry of the Interior” was ordered to proceed with the cancellation of the Registry and perpetual number assigned to Cáritas. Nicaragua”.

According to the Nicaraguan newspaper Article 66, “the endless obstacles that the Nicaraguan dictatorship imposed on Cáritas de Nicaragua and the Diocesan Cáritas Association of Jinotega” forced them to request their dissolution.

Cáritas Jinotega reported, at the beginning of February, that it would have to close, since the Ministry of the Interior denied it authorization to receive donations from other organizations.

Cáritas Jinotega helped with food for the poorest, donations of crutches and prostheses, delivered medicines at low cost, among many other charitable works.

In 2019, Bishop Carlos Herrera Gutiérrez, Bishop of Jinotega and current president of the Nicaraguan Episcopal Conference, denounced that the regime had blocked the entry of international donations, including wine to consecrate at Mass.

The closure of Cáritas was announced the same day that the dictatorship dissolved two universities, including the Juan Pablo II Catholic University.

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