Colors of the homeland | How do you use “WhatsApp” on your smart watch? .. Learn the method in 3 steps, “Bel Baladi”

by time news

The “WhatsApp” application has a wide following in the world, and many may not know how to use the application on their smart watches, as this allows receiving and responding to notifications and messages on the watch.

And by choosing from the list of simple and quick responses available on smart watches, you can open the “WhatsApp” application on it, and we offer you the method during the following lines, according to the “Arab Portal for Technical News.”

How to receive notifications on smart watches

  • Go to the Quick Replies menu on your smart watch, then open WhatsApp.
  • Click on the “WhatsApp” message notifications received on the watch, then click on the “Reply” option.
  • After pressing, you will see a selection from the list of responses previously specified by the watch. For example, you will find: “I am on the way”, “OK”, scroll through these responses and choose the appropriate response, but in this way you will not be able to enjoy all the capabilities of “WhatsApp” available in phone, so there is another way to do that.

The way to respond to messages in a specialized manner

In order not to be restricted by the messages set by the smart watch, you can reply to messages with custom responses, but this requires installing an application that you will find available in the App Store, which enables you to send and receive messages, and listen to voice messages absolutely.

The Apple Watch enables you to install a set of applications that you will find available in the App Store, such as the Chatify application and the WatchChat 2 application, which are applications that allow you to send messages, view photos, and other WhatsApp media. Once the application is installed in the phone associated with the capacity, it will be automatically installed in the watch, and then a QR code will appear for you to scan.

After that, you will go to the settings in the WhatsApp application on the phone, click on the “WhatsApp Web” option, and touch the code by clicking on the “Scan QR Code” option, and you will be able to send and receive messages absolutely.

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Source: “home”

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