demonstration of March 9 postponed, meeting announced at the Primature

by time news

The religious leaders have obtained from the Forces vives de Guinée the postponement of the demonstration of March 9. They try to iron out the difference between them and the CNRD. A “crucial” meeting is announced for March 13, two days before the demonstration announced for March 15, by the same Forces vives. It was PM Nanard Goumou who made the announcement on March 10.

For the Forces vives de Guinée to postpone their demonstration planned for March 9, it took negotiations led by the religious authorities of the bled. They convinced the FVG of the “willingness” of the CNRD to quickly examine their claims. The transitional authorities intend to ride this wave to re-establish contact with politicians and civil society actors who are still reluctant to come around the dialogue table. It is in this context that the PM, Nanard Goumou, announces a meeting with these sociopolitical actors, on March 13, at the Primature. It will bring together members of the government, religious and representatives of the FVG: “I am delighted with the report made by the Secretary General of Religious Affairs. He indicates that the Forces vives have agreed to sit down at the negotiating table on Monday, March 13, in order to find a consensus to establish peace and social tranquility”. Nanard Goumou, who would have met the religious after the postponement of the demonstration, encourages “the parties concerned to take into account the decisive turning point that the country is experiencing”.

Among the Forces vives of Guinea, it is rather caution. Afraid of getting rolled in flour? “We will go to this meeting, but without turning away from the objective which is the planning of the March 15 march. We work to fulfill all the conditions that the law requires. We thought they would have tried hard enough from the start. We will respond to the meeting, but the plan of the demonstration will continue to be unrolled”, Abdoul Sacko, one of the spokespersons of the movement. He refuses to fall into euphoria, especially since according to him, the junta would have “invested a lot of funds in communication. Very unfortunately, instead of our resources being invested in projects of national interest, they are used to pay pseudo-influencers to try to divide the Forces vives de Guinée. It won’t work,” he said.

To see if the meeting scheduled two days before the March 15 demonstration will ease the tension.

Yacine Diallo

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