Fodé Oussou Fofana attacks Lansana Kouyaté et Cie

by time news

The mediation initiated by the clerics now arouses hope among the political parties that are members of the Forces vives de Guinée. The March 13 meeting was on the agenda for the UFDG’s weekly general meeting on March 11.

The face-to-face scheduled for March 13 between the Forces vives de Guinea, religious and transitional authorities could be the last chance meeting. After the religious succeeded in having the peaceful march of March 9 postponed, they hope to bring the positions of the protagonists closer together to breathe new life into a slipping transition. In front of the militants of the UFDG on March 11, Fodé Oussou Fofana, vice-president of the party, expressed all the hope that he places in this new meeting: “We salute the work of the religious… When we meet you, we says to you: ‘A cause of God and his prophet, let us put you around the table with the government”we have proved that we have respect for the religious, but also that we love our country… On Monday (March 13), we will go to the Islamic League to discuss with the government”.

But Fodé Oussou fires arrows at certain political party leaders who, according to him, would do everything to push the CNRD to mislead the transition: “They just have to accept that the country calms down. Parties unable to mobilize 20 people, their only political party is approval… They must understand that dialogue is between those who do not get along”. He scratches Lansana Kouyaté, leader of the PEDN, who accuses the leaders of the UFDG, the UFR and others, of fleeing justice: “A leader absent from 2013 to 2021, who was not next to his militants, has no lessons to give to the UFDG. A leader who wanted to be allied with both the Rainbow RPG and the UFDG for the city of Guéckédou during the local elections, Jean Marc Telliano is a witness. A leader who agrees with President Cellou and President Alpha Condé must accept that the country calms down and let us discuss with the CNRD. They are deceiving the CNRD, they represent nothing”. The vice-president of the UFDG hopes that the meeting on Monday will be the one that will allow “the government and the Forces vives de Guinée to settle their dispute definitively for the good of Guinea”.

Meanwhile, the CNRD, which makes everyone believe that it wants dialogue, called on Abdoul Sacko, coordinator of the Forum of Social Forces of Guinea. The paradox.

Yacine Diallo

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