AI, pensions, billionaires: letters from L’Express readers

by time news

The malaise of small towns

Bruno Lonchampt, Dole (Jura)

There are many demonstrators in small and medium-sized towns, these invisible municipalities where the situation is difficult, where the addition of subtractions begins to weigh – public services, access to care, local shops – and where the accumulation of costs already weighs, whether it is the distances between home and work, access to services, inflation, the cost of energy or the state of the habitat… Pension reform is like the straw that overflows the unspoken of an accumulated suffering. (“Pensions: the clash of legitimacy” The Express of March 9).

Sad hatred of the rich

Helene Alliod, Lyon (Rhone)

The analyzes offered in the issue devoted to the hatred of the rich were very interesting. Having worked for thirty years with National Education, I can testify that, during parents’ meetings, this hatred transpires to the point of leaving no choice to children for their future. They are no longer told: “Work on the math, you will be a banker; work on your English, you will be an international salesperson”. What is repeated is: “Don’t become like these ultra-rich who despise us, who exploit us, who rob us”. How can a young person with so many abilities want to go further, to go higher? In this atmosphere, this child has no desire to climb the social ladder. (“Anti-billionaire demagoguery“, L’Express of February 23)

Taxing the rich and the common good

Paul de Montagnani, Narbonne (Aude)

With regard to the United States, you could have recalled that, from the 1930s until the beginning of the 1980s, the top rate of income tax fluctuated between 70% and 94%. Have the rich gone to tax havens? No. Has the country sunk into a lasting recession? Neither. Nowadays, President Biden – an ultra-leftist, certainly… – has decided that American companies that buy back shares will be subject to double the tax on the capital gain realized. Closer to home, at the last Davos Forum, 200 millionaires asked world leaders to tax the richest “for the common good”! This is a theme that deserves, in the difficult and burning times that European and Western countries, including ours, are going through, a serious and documented development… (“Anti-billionaire demagoguery“, L’Express of February 23).

A slight contradiction…

Didier Martin, Meudon (Hauts-de-Seine)

Of course, we want to follow Sylvain Fort’s recommendations when he asks that we talk a little less about anxiety-provoking subjects to preserve youth. Not sure, however, that L’Express will follow his advice. The article in question is indeed lost in an issue devoted to “black scenarios of the French army”. When will there be a “good news” section? (“Pity for the youth of France, prey to the catastrophist emphasis“, L’Express of March 2).

Artificial intelligence and security

René Andron, Marseilles (Bouches-du-Rhône)

Through your articles, we better understand the issues and the impact of the development of artificial intelligence in our lives, now and even more tomorrow. This already poses significant security issues, pointed out by the developers themselves. But if we take into account the rise in power of quantum computers, capable of computing powers unknown until recently and of cracking the most advanced security encryptions, we can clearly see that the whole, placed between unscrupulous hands, represents a major risk. States and international institutions must consider legislation to guard against these abuses. Addressing the subject should be a priority for our collective security. (“Artificial intelligence and the polystyrene block“, L’Express of March 2).

Franchise L’Express more than ever by your side

L’Express is publishing its special issue devoted to the franchise on March 16. Launched in 2005, this guide brings together advice from experts, testimonials from franchisees and practical information each year. But L’Express now offers you much more. Last year were launched The digital franchise trophies – who will return in June. The year 2023 is the year of the launch of our L’Express Franchise platform – both expert media and a service for connecting with the most attractive brands of the moment. Finally, our Academy, intended to support you in your entrepreneurial project, will be launched in the coming weeks. So many tools centered around a single objective: to help you make the most of your new life.

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