Tamil News | Planted ten lakh saplings: Shock in the Green Committee meeting!

by time news
Coimbatore: In the Coimbatore district, 10 lakhs, 10 thousand, 190 saplings have been planted, the report submitted in the Green Committee meeting has shocked the green enthusiasts.

In the next 10 years in Tamil Nadu, with the aim of increasing the forest and tree cover to 33 percent, the ‘Green Tamil Nadu Movement’ was launched.
In this, to increase the green area in Coimbatore district, it was planned to produce and plant saplings in agricultural lands, barren lands, educational institutes and government lands through Forest Office, Forestry Extension Division nurseries.

A target of 10 lakh, 56 thousand saplings has been set in Coimbatore Forest Park.
In this, 10 lakh, 10 thousand, 190 saplings have been planted, a report has been filed in the Green Committee meeting held at the Coimbatore Collector’s office under the chairmanship of Collector Kranthikumar. This has left green activists in shock.

In 2023-24, a target has been set to plant 20 lakh saplings, 10 lakh through the forest department and 10 lakh at the selected locations by other departments.
It has been decided to plant 50,000 saplings each on behalf of the Rural Development Agency, Municipal Corporation, Municipal Administrations, and Highways Department, and 85,000 saplings through public participation.

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Sayed, a member of the District Green Committee, said, “It is not enough to report that every department has planted a sapling. Must be properly nurtured. Field inspection should be done every year.
How many of the planted saplings have grown; Its growth rate should be studied. No permission to cut trees shall be given without the approval of the Green Committee.

Saplings should be planted in ‘reserve sites’ owned by the Corporation. Identification and classification of trees in government lands in Coimbatore district. He emphasized that a palm tree should be set up as a nursery, maintained for a year and planted on the bank of the pond.

The Highways Department said, ‘During road widening, there is a situation where trees have to be cut. The norm is that for one tree cut, 10 saplings should be planted. They say that there is no space for planting saplings.

Collector Kranthikumar replied, “There are places owned by local bodies to plant saplings. They will provide water facility and wire fence in the ‘reserve sites’ belonging to the corporation; Saplings can be planted on behalf of the highway department,” he said.
District Revenue Officer Leela, District Forest Officer Ashokumar, Collector’s Interview Assistant (P) Kokila and others participated in the meeting.

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