Russian Foreign Ministry called NATO expansion contrary to documents on security in Europe

by time news

The leaders of the OSCE countries in the 20th century signed several documents related to ensuring security in Europe, and the possibility of Ukraine’s joining NATO threatens it, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. He called to disavow the decision that initiated the entry of Ukraine and Georgia into NATO, as contrary to the agreements in the OSCE.

“In the fundamental interests of European security, it is necessary to officially disavow the decision of the 2008 NATO Bucharest summit that” Ukraine and Georgia will become NATO members “as contrary to the commitment of the leaders of all OSCE participating States -” not to strengthen their security at the expense of the security of others, ” – indicated in the statement on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Russian ministry referred to the provisions of the 1975 Helsinki Declaration, the 1990 Charter of Paris for a New Europe and the 1999 Charter for European Security. “All these documents were signed by the top leaders of the OSCE participating States, including all NATO countries. However, in violation of the principle of the indivisibility of security – as well as in violation of the promises made to the Soviet leadership – all these years NATO has consistently moved eastward, ignoring Moscow’s concerns, ”the message says.

Earlier, the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that the presidents of the Russian Federation and the United States, Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, during their conversation on December 7, noted the need to agree on issues related to NATO. Today, Mr. Peskov announced the preparation of a document with the Russian vision of the issue of security in Europe for the United States and NATO.

More details about international relations – in the material of “b” “Alliance will be stopped at full gallop.”


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