Italian Naval League and Ministry of Education, winners of the ‘Together Change the Route’ competition

by time news

The Competition “Together Change the Route, No to Plastic in the sea, rivers, lakes, ended with the announcement of the winners. Climate change, causes and remedies ”announced by the Ministry of Education and the Italian Naval League for the 2019/2020 school year and, subsequently, extended to 1 March 2021 due to the pandemic due to COVID. The Competition was aimed at pupils of primary and secondary schools of I and II degree, with the aim of stimulating students to reflect on the main environmental issues, climate change and pollution, and to encourage greater awareness on the part of children on sustainability issues. the protection of the environment and the care of the “common home”.

The competition obtained an excellent result, both in terms of participation, with about 500 entries received, and in terms of the quality of the works presented. The strong sensitivity shown by the children towards the themes of collective well-being and the adoption of correct lifestyles, as well as the mastery of the means of expression adopted, which ranged from the written composition to the graphics, aroused a particular impression in the mixed jury of the Ministry of Education / LNI. digital and audiovisuals.

“The spread of maritime culture, love for the sea and the commitment to protect the marine environment in the younger generations are the main institutional commitments of the Naval League”, states the National President Admiral Donato Marzano, “and in this sense the possibility of working in close synergy with the Ministry of Education and with the peripheral school structures offered by the Memorandum of Understanding in force, constitutes an essential tool for reaching students with training and information courses dedicated to the culture of the sea and the environment . I thank the Ministry of Education for the full success of the Competition, certain to continue the precious collaboration with other important initiatives in favor of our children and the sea “.

During the award ceremony, which will take place in attendance when the safety conditions due to COVID 19 permit, the first two finishers of each category will be offered sailing courses at the Nautical Sections and Centers of the Naval League, with the possibility , if the conditions allow it, to offer the older ones a period of embarkation on the Sail Ships of the Navy. The works of the winning students, together with the works that have received a special mention from the Jury, will be fully exploited through publication on the institutional website of the Naval League.

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