it is more contagious, but it does not worry »-

by time news

Let’s not call it Indian. Variants are not the product of a population, they are distinguished according to the country where they are first identified. Giovanni Maga, director of the institute of molecular genetics of the CNR, is opposed to the attribution of nationality of viral strains.

Could change determine the evolution of the pandemic?
The not new variant. For the first time it was filed by the register that collects the sequences of the Sars-CoV-2 in October 2020. Then it appeared elsewhere but does not represent a concern. It does not seem to have the characteristics to undermine the already circulating stocks. Even the one identified for the first time in the Amazon in our regions remained in the second line.

Compared to the three new strains already appeared (isolated in England, Brazil, South Africa) it has a combination of changes in the genome already present individually in the others and always in the same protein, the Spike, fundamental for the virus.

So the virus has no imagination?
That’s right. We know that it tends to reproduce the same kinds of changes that have given it such an advantage that it can prevail. We know the variant seen in England is more contagious.

So even the latest arrival tends to expand more easily?
likely that the two bits of modified genome give him an advantage in this regard. We also know that vaccines are effective against new versions of the virus. In summary: it is reasonable to think that it is more contagious. Nothing to suggest that it can be more widespread. The fact that India has been hit so hard by the epidemic does not mean that it is the fault of a different infectious agent.

sure vaccines work?
In a preprinted study, i.e. not yet published in a scientific journal, a group of Indian researchers demonstrates the effectiveness of the locally produced Covaxin vaccine against the new virus. The vaccines used in the EU and in Italy are more effective than Covaxin so we should feel comfortable if the variant prevails.

The Indian variant in Italy: things to know

And the healed?
It is not said that those who have been infected for the first time cannot be reinfected, which, I repeat, is a very low risk for the vaccinated. Another reason to get immunized.

What if we had to take stock of how Sars-CoV-2 is performing?
Up to this moment he has not expressed such dangerous mutations for humans.

Mask and spacing like a vaccine?
Those who respect the rules do not get infected, no virus has tools to overcome physical barriers. Let’s keep this in mind in this phase of reopening. They were necessary and if managed well by each of us they will be able to move forward.

April 28, 2021 (change April 28, 2021 | 09:18)


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