Scientists have figured out when it’s best to fall asleep

by time news

Falling asleep at 22: 00-23: 00 lowers the risk of developing cardiovascular disease compared to going to bed later or earlier. Violation of this regime can lead to the fact that people will not have their biological clock updated every day.

As reported by The Guardian, these conclusions are based on information about 88 thousand volunteers of the British “Biobank” aged 43-79 years. Scientists studied data from participants in the study between 2006 and 2010. It found that those who fell asleep around midnight had a 25% higher risk of cardiovascular disease. Those who went to bed earlier – by 24%.

The connection between falling asleep time and heart disease is stronger in women. The reasons for this have not yet been clarified.

Research leader at Huma Therapeutics and senior lecturer at the University of Exeter, David Plance, explained that falling asleep at other times causes people to miss important signals, such as morning light or daylight. It helps to reset the body’s internal clock every day. If this does not happen, a mismatch between behavior and circadian rhythms appears (a person’s internal clock – ed.), Which disrupts glucose regulation and exacerbates existing inflammation. Both can increase the risk of heart disease.

David Plance acknowledged that further research was needed. So far, the medical team has not gathered enough evidence to confidently recommend falling asleep precisely at 10: 00-23: 00. But the scientist emphasized that the influence of the circadian rhythm on people is enormous. In his opinion, it is very important to maintain sleep hygiene and develop habits that help you get a good night’s sleep.


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