They find more than 2,000 mummified rams in the temple of Pharaoh Ramss II

by time news


The mission also revealed parts of the northern wall of the wall surrounding the temple and its annexes.

Mummified heads of rams in the temple of Ramses II.TW
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An American archaeological mission has discovered more than 2,000 mummified rams from the Ptolemaic era, as well as a large Sixth Dynasty building in the area of ​​the templo del faran Ramses IIin the ancient city of Abydosthe Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities reported today.

“This discovery reveals important details in the life and history of the temple of Ramses II, in Abydos and the surrounding area, which contributes enormously to understanding the site of the temple and the life it supported for more than two thousand years,” said the secretary. General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Mustafa Ministeraccording to the statement of the Ministry.

The mission revealed a series of mummified animals next to the heads of the rams, “including a group of sheep, dogs, wild goats, cows, deer, and mongoose”which were found in one of the newly discovered storerooms within the northern region of the temple.

For his part, the head of the mission, Sameh Iskandar, pointed out that this large number of mummified rams could be used as a votive offering during the practice of worship, “unprecedented in Abydos during the period of the Ptolemaic era”, in addition to indicating that reverence for Pharaoh Ramses II remained in Abydos for a thousand years after his death.

As for the huge building discovered, which dates back to the era of the sixth dynasty of pharaohs, it is characterized by “a different and unique architectural design” for its thick and enormous walls about five meters wide.

Iskander pointed out that “this building will contribute strongly to the reconsideration of the activities and architecture of the ancient state in Abydos”, as well as the nature of the place and the activities that took place before the construction of the temple of Ramses II.

In addition, the head of the Central Administration for Upper Egyptian Antiquities of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Mohamed Abdel BadiHe added that the mission also revealed parts of the northern wall of the wall surrounding the temple and its annexes.

This discovery “changes what has been established about the design of the temple of King Ramses II and what has been described, painted and circulated among scientists and researchers since it was revealed more than 150 years ago,” where they found parts of statues, papyri, remains of old trees, clothes and leather shoes.

The mission will complete the work of its excavations at the site to reveal more about the history of this site and to study and document what was found during the current excavation season, the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities concluded.

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