How to stage research?

by time news

What can female researchers share with a writer? Scientists with a poet or a playwright? This is precisely the challenge of Binôme, the poet and the scholar 12th edition, orchestrated by the company Les sens des mots ..

Organize a 12th edition of these surprise meetings between a scientist and an author then responsible for writing a play around what he has grasped from the research in progress… A scientific, poetic and theatrical but above all human adventure, to be shared next April 13 and 14 at the La Reine Blanche theater in Paris

Emission around of the Binôme project which combines research and theater

With Jean-Luc RaharimananaMalagasy author and Pascale ChabanetIRD research director, specialist in the ecology of reef fish in Réunion, for The fish counter and the storyteller

and the archaeo-anthropologist Valerie Delattre pour open limbo

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