Empordanese painter and artist Carles Bros. dies

by time news

He painter and artist Empordanese carles bros has died suddenly in a news that has become known during the act of presentation of the Galp Costa Brava candidacy 2024-2029 at the House of Culture of Llançà. Closely linked to the world of the sea and fishing, Bros had to participate in this presentation of the Costa Brava Fishing Local Action Group. “It’s been one mort natural totally sudden, precisely in Carles Bros I had to participate today in the event about fishing by painting a mural,” explained the mayor of Llança, Núria Escarpanter, about the artist whom she defined “as a person very involved with Llançà and all its cultural activities, especially about the world of the sea”. Bros was 67 years old.

Born in Terrassa, Carles Bros had been based in Empordà for many years, especially in Mar d’Amunt, from where he had created much of his artistic production. In Llançà, specifically, he is the author of the large mural of the Fish Bank which can be seen painted on the containment dike in front of the fishing port. This work of 3,100 m² was the culminating work of the Art of the Web exhibition that Carles Bros exhibited for eight years in 11 museums in different countries. It is considered the largest mural in the world under the sea.

Bros made of the sea and of the defense of traditional fishing its creative habitat and, precisely, these days you can visit the exhibition of the Museu de la Mediterrània de Torroella de Montgrí its “Posidonia” exhibition.

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