Europeans agree to reach 42.5% renewable energy by 2030

by time news

Ursula von der Leyen addressing the European Parliament. KENZO TRIBOUILLARD

After tackling the end of thermal engines at the start of the week, the 27 continue their series of announcements from the climate plan.

EU states and MEPs agreed on Thursday on a target of 42.5% renewables in European energy consumption by 2030, almost doubling the current level of 22%, several elected members of Parliament announced. European.

The text, which provides for accelerated procedures for infrastructures, considers as “verte» Biomass (wood intended for the production of energy), specifies Markus Pieper (EPP, right). This practice denounced by environmental NGOs is, however, “better framed“, assures Pascal Canfin (Renew, liberals), who also salutes the “recognition of the specific role of nuclear, neither green nor fossilto produce carbon-free hydrogen – a subject deeply dividing the Twenty-Seven.

More information to come…


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