Dina Boluarte faces a request for the removal of the radical left destined to fail

by time news

In the midst of a series of investigations and characters that have appeared before public opinion to accuse the current president of Peru, In Boluarteof illegal financing during the 2021 presidential campaign, Congress will see in plenary this Thursday the motion for dismissal presented by the same radical left that led her to the vice presidency together with the coup leader Pedro Castillo.

This request from the parliamentary groups that previously supported it is based on the demonstrations registered in recent months. In its argument, the radical left points out that “never in the history of Peru has a government with so little time assassinated more than 40 people in demonstrations (…) that the excessive use of the Armed Forces and National Police deserves to have more than one responsible, mainly, the President of the Republic”.

In addition, they also point out that “in response to these crimes committed by the Government of Dina Boluarte, various public, national, private and international institutions have spoken out rejecting these unfortunate acts carried out irregularly and arbitrarily.”

However, few believe that this motion for vacancy (removal) has a chance of succeeding for those reasons. Some congressmen have already indicated that they do not intend to vote in favor of Boluarte’s dismissal.

Former Speaker of Congress Maria Del Carmen Alva, pointed out that “you have to see who is presenting the vacancy and for what issues. I understand that it is because of the killings and I believe that a vacancy is not warranted for that issue.” He added that “those who never wanted to vacate the coup leader Castillo now want to vacate the usurper, as they call her, who is the vice president who has assumed the constitutional succession. It is evident that there is a political overtone here and that the objective is another.”

Due to the deaths that occurred during those weeks, Boluarte and other members of his government -some of them have also been summoned by Congress to give explanations- are being preliminarily investigated by the Prosecutor’s Office for the alleged commission of the crimes of “genocide, qualified homicide and serious injuries.”

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