Bringing Caterina Albert closer to all audiences

by time news

Time does not diminish the greatness of the figure of the writer Caterina Albert Paradise. Quite the opposite. The efforts made by l’Escala to project its name help a lot. So, for example, this weekend, the Víctor Català Chair of Modernism Studies has organized a round table around the translations that have generated the work of the scale and today the gardens of the Clos del Pastor are inaugurated, just rehabilitated, presenting everything book Little story of Caterina Albert and Paradise. Victor Catalan written by Lurdes Boix and illustrated by the incombustible Pilarín Bayés. Both creators will be present at the event, open to everyone.

El Clos del Pastor is a house and garden that Antònia Bartomeu i Baró, from Reus, gave to the writer in recognition of her literary activity. For decades, his nephew Lluís Albert and family lived there and kept it open to the public. A few years ago, Albert gave it to the City Council and now the third of the four phases of rehabilitation that will end with the museumization of the interior space is being completed. This Sunday, therefore, is being used to inaugurate the gardens with the presentation of this story which, according to Boix, serves to “make the museum’s holdings more accessible, that is to say, to all audiences”.

They already had in mind to make a story about Caterina Albert and seeing the success of the previous one –Little history of the Salt Festival– they decided to put the thread on the needle while coinciding with the production of a video that will be premiered when the museum opens its doors. In the story, starring the recognizable drawings of Pilarín Bayés, it is Caterina Albert herself who narrates its existence and its link with the literary world. The story has been edited in Catalan and the Spanish, French and English versions can be downloaded with a QR.


The other event linked to the writer will take place yesterday at noon in the Alfolí de la Sal. It was about‘a round table that aims to give visibility to the work of translators, especially those that have been faced in recent years with Caterina Albert’s texts. This is Nicole d’Amonville, who has translated the novel Solitude (SoledadTrotalibros, 2021) and the collection of stories the rake tine (Club Editor, 2021), and Lourdes Sánchez, who translated the monologue Infanticide in a bilingual Catalan/Spanish version (Esdrújula Ediciones, 2022). The third voice, and who led the table, is the director of the Víctor Català Chair, Margarida Casacuberta.

In this sense, the talk highlighted how, in recent years, several Spanish translations of Víctor Català’s works have been published, which have contributed to the knowledge of the writer’s work among new reading audiences.

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