How to co-build equally between the South and the North, new understandings of the world?

by time news

Mid-term review of a revolutionary common teaching program shared between 3 universities in Senegal, South Africa and France, or how to decentralize our ways of thinking about the world?

Rendez-vous between Paris, Dakar and Johannesburg, to defocus our gaze and bring out new understandings of the world, equally between the South and the North…

This is the challenge of an unprecedented teaching and research program, common and shared between 3 universities from the North and the South: the Iba der Thiam University of Thiès in Senegal, that of Witwatersrand in South Africa and the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. Progress report of the first session on new understandings of the world.

With :

Fatou Bintou Sarr (professor at the University of Thiès)

Leila Vignal, Professor and Director of the Department of Geography at the École Normale Supérieure (ENS)

Sarah Marniesse (head of the AFD Campus)

– Achille Mbembe by telephone.

For the class New Understandings of the World inaugurated in January 2023, at the University Iba der Thiam de Thies  – in partnership with ENS and Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg.

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