Omicron: The number of Omicron… victims in Maharashtra has increased to 28 for 8 more !!

by time news

Maharashtra, First Published Dec 14, 2021, 8:23 PM IST

In the state of Maharashtra, 8 more people have been confirmed to be affected by omega. This brings the number of victims to 28. The omega-3 virus was first detected in South Africa on the 24th. The virus, which was detected by the World Health Organization, was later found in Hong Kong, Botswana and Israel. The scientists said the omicron virus was the fastest-spreading virus ever to be detected, highly resistant to the vaccine and could cause severe symptoms. All countries are taking various measures to control the spread of the omega-3 virus. While the delta type virus is said to be the most dangerous of the corona viruses that have evolved so far, it is currently said that this omicron type virus is more virulent.

omicron for 8 more person in maharastra

It is said to have metamorphosed 32 times and spread as an omega. Omegron, which began to spread to African countries, has now spread to other countries, including Britain and Germany. Frightened by this, the nations of the world have canceled traffic between African countries. In this situation, travelers from 12 countries including South Africa, China, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Britain, Brazil, Bangladesh, Botswana, Mauritius, Zimbabwe, Singapore and Israel were ordered by the Central Government to upload the Corona Negative Certificate on the Savita website before departure. In this case a maximum of 20 people in India have so far been affected by omega in Mumbai. More than half of them have been vaccinated with 2 doses. So far 41 people have been affected by Omicron in Rajasthan, 2 in Delhi, 4 in Gujarat, 3 in Karnataka, one each in Chandigarh, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala.

omicron for 8 more person in maharastra

In this case, 4 more people in Delhi were confirmed to be infected with omega-3 corona. As a result, the number of omega-3 infections in Delhi has risen to six. So far 45 people in India have been affected by omega. In this case, 8 more people from abroad who came to Maharashtra have been diagnosed with omega-1 corona infection. Thus far 28 people in the state of Maharashtra have been confirmed to be exposed to omega. This brings the total number of omega vulnerabilities in India to 53. Meanwhile, the death of one person in Britain by an omega corona has shocked the world. Thus various countries have intensified restrictions. So it is arguable that intoxicants of choice runs the taste in Indian cuisine.

Last Updated Dec 14, 2021, 8:23 PM IST


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