Hemophilia. The disease is characteristic only of men, and women act only in the role of transmitters

by time news

Hemophilia is a rare genetic disease that causes blood clotting disorders and bleeding.

When a small blood vessel is damaged by an injury or cut, certain blood proteins are “activated” to help the blood clot and stop the bleeding. The cause of increased bleeding in hemophilia is the lack of these special proteins involved in blood clotting, which causes a blood clotting disorder.

In hemophilia, the blood does not clot normally, leading to difficult-to-control bleeding.

Of greater concern in severe deficiency or deficiency of coagulation factors is internal bleeding, which can begin anywhere in the body, within the knees and other large joints, as well as in vital organs and tissues, causing severe and sometimes life-threatening blood loss.

Hemophilia only affects boys because it is a male-linked recessive disease. Women can only act as transmitters of the disease, both to their male children and through girls to male grandsons, great-grandsons and other generations.

Hemophilia is characterized by a lack of certain blood clotting factors, so treatment involves measures to replace these factors.

Hemophilia A (the most common type), B and C types are distinguished.

Some people have a milder course of hemophilia, while others have a more severe and complicated course.

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