How to adapt your sports practice during the breastfeeding period?

by time news

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Every week, Dr. Jean-Marc Sène, sports doctor, presents his sports column in Priorité Santé. Today, he answers a question posed by a listener: is sport compatible with breastfeeding?

First of all, what breastfeeding does to a woman’s body ?

During lactation, hormones are released : the prolactin et oxytocintwo hormones that allow the adaptation of the mother to the baby’s rhythm and a feeling of calm. Breastfeeding tires the body, but also the head, morally it is sometimes not easy to follow the baby’s rhythm. But the body is prepared, women will have a natural resistance to breastfeeding thanks to the secretion of hormones. With these hormones the body is more relaxed,

After childbirth, sport improves posture and can have a positive impact on perineal rehabilitation. A gentle physical activity allows young mothers to reclaim their bodies and re-invigorate themselves, especially in the back, an area that is heavily stressed during the months of pregnancy.

Remember that the uterus weighs 1 kg and that the perineum is still very fragile during this period, and it will always be a little more so during breastfeeding.

What sports to practice or avoid after childbirth ?

Concretely, after the birth of your little one, your sports practice must be adapted to the incredible experience that your body has just undergone. As long as perineal rehabilitation and abdominal rehabilitation is not completed, young mothers cannot practice :

  • Impact sportslike running or tennis.
  • Nor should they realize significant flexing, which could have an impact on the perineum and weaken it. It will therefore be necessary to wait a little to practice dynamic yoga or zumba again.
  • Finally, any sport requiring carry heavy loadslike bodybuilding, is also to be avoided during the few weeks following the baby’s arrival.

During the first three months after childbirth, before resuming practices that require more physical activity, young mothers can indulge in Pilatesau postnatal yoga, to the marche or at the swimming. There is still a wide choice, and they must favor gentle activities, but which will still have a positive impact on their muscle groups, their breathing and their morale. !

Does playing sports have an impact on the quality of breast milk? ?

Two studies (Dewey et al. / Lovelady et al.) assess the impact of physical exercise in breastfeeding women. Between six and eight weeks, women were randomly divided into two groups, a control group and a group who practiced regular moderate physical exercise for twelve weeks. There was no difference between the two groups in terms of milk composition or child growth.

Practicing physical activity has no direct impact on the quality of breast milk and does not alter the taste or content.

On the other hand, the lack of hydration and/or the fatigue linked to a too intense resumption of sport can lead to a reduction in the quantity of milk in the mother. It is therefore necessary to find a balance, not to want to do too much and, once again, to hydrate well. !

And then you have to get organized, because you don’t always have a lot of time between two feedings…

It is true that breastfeeding remains quite time-consuming for young mothers, and doing sports at the same time requires good organization. If you entrust your baby to your partner or a relative to go for a walk or swim, the advice is to leave immediately after a feed. This will give you more time and you will undoubtedly feel lighter to move. !

In this context, you can also leave a bottle of breast milk in the fridge, so that baby’s cravings are satisfied when needed. This allows the young mother to leave more serene, she knows that she is leaving her partner or loved one a way to meet the baby’s needs in her absence.

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