Rachele Bastreghi: “My madness without the Baustelle, a song of sweetness and nerves”

by time news

“I wanted to take a risk, understand what I could do alone, get naked.” Rachele Bastreghi, the feminine side of Baustelle, is excited when she talks about Psychodonna, her first solo work: “I needed to become aware of who I was – he says – by leaving the comfort zone”. Fragility and hardness, mess and silence coexist to form an autobiographical and intimate concept-album, a therapeutic act that concerns self-acceptance: «I took myself seriously, not giving a damn about society and external judgment. It is my journey, made up of overtime, of the moon and isolation, of poetry and distortion, of illuminated dawns and chaotic awakenings. It is a free song, of contradictions, of love and dismay, of sweetness and nerves, a conscious dance in the mud ». On the disc – which is released today and consists of nine tracks – apparently distant genres are found, such as rock, electronic, hip-hop and improvisation.

“It’s a fussy, detailed album that I worked on for two years after the release of L’Amore e la Violence with Baustelle, it was born from chaos, from a primordial madness, from a freedom that I had to manage, tame and transform in songs, playing with many new instruments ». As for Penelope, the first single extracted, “it came from my bass line, then I added drum-machines and other instruments”. Where the video recalls a pagan rite: “The shooting took place in a villa on the outskirts of Milan, it is” shamanic “and concerns an immersion in music, nature, colors, movement, showing different shades of the female soul ; but while Penelope weaves during the day, working in the light of the sun, I work in the darkness of the night: the creative moment in which to free oneself from anxieties and armor ». Why the need – shared a few months later with Francesco Bianconi (the founder together with Rachele dei Baustelle who recently published Forever) – for a solo album? «After twenty years – he says – it is as if ours had become a loving relationship, we have no lovers but we allow ourselves space to live; records away from the band serve to deepen one’s soul, and finding oneself will be even more beautiful ». Songs written to be played live: «We are working on tour dates, and I would love to bring it to Tuscany, because it is my region and here is the most demanding and sincere audience; in the tracks there are passages dedicated to childhood, my inner base that I miss a lot: because of the pandemic I haven’t been back home since last year ». The album, co-produced by Mario Conte, is digital, cd and limited edition with transparent vinyl, and features Meg and Chiara Mastroianni among the guests. And will he ever go to Sanremo? «I don’t like competitions, but why not? We need a suitable piece ».

April 30, 2021 | 15:11



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