Santiago Gamboa et son double

by time news

“It’s good to turn a novel into a house”. The author ofA house in Bogotá had this sentence one day. And plenty of other phrases, which have filled many other houses: in Madrid, New York, Paris, New Delhi, Cali. Hard to follow, boy

Santiago Gamboa. © Francesco Gattoni

He is best known for his novel Losing is a matter of method, translated into 6 languages ​​and adapted to the cinema, in 2005. And we follow him with a little tremor in the bookmark because his Latin American imagination often has blood on its hands. We read, we think, we wonder. Could it be his past as an intellectual journalist, his narco-traumatized Colombian psyche, his impossible weaning from readings tinged with magical realism? But after reading his new opus Colombian psychowhich opens with human limbs found in a wasteland in Bogota and whose owner is still alive, the question persists and signs: Santiago Gamboa would he be a psychopathic author?…

The musical choices of Santiago Gamboa

Rafael Escalona, ​​Bovea and his vallenatosThe testament

Ruben Blades Dime

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