“In Italy at 0.19%, Delta remains dominant”

by time news

In Italy last December 6 “the Delta variant was still largely predominant, with an estimated prevalence of over 99%, while for Omicron 4 cases were found, corresponding to 0.19% of the sample examined”. These are the main results of the new rapid survey conducted by the ISS and the Ministry of Health, together with the regional laboratories and the Bruno Kessler Foundation. The survey integrates routine monitoring activities, and – specifies the ISS – therefore does not contain all the cases of variants detected but only those relating to the day taken into consideration.

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For the investigation “the laboratories of the Regions and autonomous provinces were asked to select subsamples of positive cases and to sequence the genome of the virus – continues the note from the ISS – The sample requested was chosen by the Regions and autonomous provinces in a manner random among the positive samples ensuring a certain geographical representativeness and, if possible, for different age groups. In total, the 21 Regions and Autonomous Provinces and a total of 114 laboratories participated in the survey and 2241 samples were sequenced, of which 4 were positive results at Omicron “.

“In line with the results of the ‘quick survey’ of September 2021, the Delta variant represents the predominant variant of Sars-CoV-2 in our country (estimated prevalence greater than 99%) – observes the ISS – The Omicron variant it was reported in 4 cases in three Regions, relative to the sampling date of this survey at the beginning of December (crude prevalence 0.19%, prevalence weighted by number of regional cases 0.32%) “. Starting from these results, “also considering the possible biases, it is emphasized that vaccination continues to prevent deaths, reduces the number of hospitalizations despite the continued dominance of the Delta variant, which is up to 60% more transmissible than the previously dominant variant, Alpha, “the experts conclude.

“The presence of the” variant “Omicron was widely expected, in line with what has also been observed in other countries, and the next investigations will allow us to estimate the speed of diffusion. The recommendations given so far remain fundamental. start or complete the vaccination course also with the booster dose and to follow the distancing and hygiene measures to minimize the spread of the virus “underlines the president of the ISS, Silvio Brusaferro.” The flash survey – explains the president of Iss – gives a snapshot of the situation on a given day, from which the prevalence of variants in circulation can be estimated “.

“It is a very useful tool in the transition phases, in which we try to monitor possible variations, and the resulting information is complementary to that given by the ICoGen platform, which instead collects all case reports”, he concludes.

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