A panel of experts debates the economic and business future of Girona

by time news

Tourism, without a doubt, it is one of the engines of the economy in the Girona regions. The diversity of the demarcation in its landscape, with the Costa Brava as the main attraction, seduces thousands of visitors every year, boosting the services sector. However, sectors such as the food industry -headed by the meats- technology, or the chemical and pharmaceutical sector also have a great weight in the economy of the demarcation.

The Girona Chamber of Commerce will host next Thursday, April 20, from 10 a.m., a debate on the situation of the economy in the regions of Girona and the challenges it faces. The event, organized by Girona newspaper with the collaboration of chamber and the sponsorship of CaixaBank, under the title “What is the spearhead of Girona’s economy?», will have the presence of some experts from the economic sector, such as Anna Garriga, dean of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of the UdG; Pau Presas, 1st vice-president of the Provincial Council of Girona and president of the Finance, Administration, Economic Promotion and Local Cooperation Information Commission; Montserrat Benítez, commercial director of CaixaBank in Girona and Central Catalonia; or Jaume Guàrdia, vice-president of the Girona Chamber of Commerce. The deputy director of Diari de Girona, Oriol Puig, will moderate the event. In addition, the initial presentation will be given by the director of the Catalan Water Partnership, Xavier Amores, who will focus his talk on how companies in the water sector can provide solutions in a context of drought in the sectors of tourism and agriculture.

Some of the topics that affect the immediate future of the economic sector will be the focus of next Thursday’s session. The prospects for Girona’s economy, the situation of the tourism sector, the moment the industry is experiencing in the demarcation, the growth of exports or the obstacles in attracting talent and investments in the regions of Girona will be some of the topics that economists and experts in the sector will delve into, in order to draw a picture of the economy, present and future, in Girona. To attend the event, you must register in advance through the following link: What is the spearhead of Girona’s economy?.

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