Immunologist: omicron-strain is looking for a new host with weak immunity in nature

by time news

The new Omicron COVID strain may eventually pass to rodents or other animals and remain in this population. This hypothesis has already been confirmed by the recent report on the isolation of the virus from rodents, explained URA.RU immunologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Vladislav Zhemchugov.

According to him, the Omicron strain has become a stage in the formation of a new natural focal infection COVID-19. Due to the introduction of vaccination, the majority of residents have developed herd immunity, so the virus is looking for a new host with weak immunity in nature. This virus will not kill the host. For example, Ebola and bats now live in consensus, the doctor said.

“This new strain is aimed at the formation of inoculum, as a result, the virus will find some animal with which to get along. If he continues to live in some rodents or in monkeys, in anyone, it will be another natural focal infection, ”the physician shared his hypothesis.


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