Kim Jong-un imposed mandatory mourning and banned laughing and drinking for eleven days

by time news

Kim Jong-un turns 10 years as absolute leader of North Korea this Friday, but, far from leading a celebration, he imposed a mandatory mourning in the Asian country for eleven days in which citizens will have, among other things, forbidden to laugh and drink alcohol.

Sure, it is the 10th anniversary of the surprise death of Kim Jon-il, father and predecessor of the current ruler, died on December 17, 2011 as a result of cardiac arrest.

According to the regulations, which will be four days longer than the usual mourning of a week in North Korea, the authorities determined that citizens cannot celebrate or show signs of happiness or joy during this period.

Kim Jong-un imposed strict mourning. AP Photo

“People are prohibited from laughing, drinking alcohol or engaging in leisure activities that may denote an act of celebration or entertainment,” sources from that country informed Radio Free Asia (RFA).

Even the same sources indicated that the security forces will be in charge of carrying out a tight control so that the decision is respected. In fact, in a country where government executions are the order of the day, in previous years several alcoholic people have been detained during days of mourning and then tried for ideological crimes.

Of the eleven days that the time of recollection will last, this Friday will be the only one considered a holiday, and in fact it will be the one with the hardest restrictions, since you won’t even be able to go shopping.

Statues of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il.  Photo Cha Song Ho / AP

Statues of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il. Photo Cha Song Ho / AP

The succession of Kim Jon-il

Kim Jon-il ruled his country since 1994, when Kim il-Sung, his father died, until his death in 2011, when he was succeeded by his third son, Kim Jong-un, who soon consolidated his power with blood, fire and on the hunger of the population.

Currently, North Korea weighs a countless number of international complaints for human rights violations and its nuclear weapons program, in addition to having a destroyed economy.

Among purges against potential political rivals, Kim Jong-un had his powerful uncle and former mentor, Jang Song Thaek, executed in December 2013 on alleged treason, corruption and other charges.

In April 2015, one of the most brutal assassinations of his government occurred: the South Korean spy agency claims that it ordered the execution with an antiaircraft weapon of its Minister of the Armed Forces, Hyon Yong-Chol, for complaints against him and for falling asleep during a meeting chaired by Kim.



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