‘I never wanted to enter the national team and come out’

by time news

2023-04-24 14:29:56

His peers Parvez Hossain Imon, Shamim Pateyari had already written their names in the national team; But neither of the two could keep the impression of their indispensability in that way. But Tawheed heart came with meteor speed. He said, I have brought a new message.

Played well in BPL and played an important role in taking Sylhet to the finals. After getting a place in the national team, he stormed with the bat in two innings (92 from 85 balls and 49 from 34 balls) in the ODI series against Ireland.

This 22-year-old brave young man from Bogra has batted exceptionally well for Sheikh Jamal Dhanmondi club in this year’s Premier League.

Sheikh Jamal won the big match with Abahani and Prime Bank with the bat of Hriday. Tawhid Hriday is the most talked about and talked about cricketer in the national team and domestic cricket at the moment. the performer

Countless cricket fans are curious to know about his growth, becoming a cricketer, changing himself and present and future.

This time during the Eid holidays, this popular cricketer and batsman of Tukhor spoke a lot about all that in a private interview with Jago News. Many details of Hriday’s life and career have come up in that conversation.

Jago News: This will be your first overseas tour for the national team. However, you have several foreign tours with the U-19 team. Have you ever spent Eid outside the country while playing for the youth team? If you did, how was the memory of that Eid without the family, tell me a little?

Heart: Yes, going on a tour with the U19 team requires Eid to be spent outside the country. That is the event of 2019. We went to play in England. It was the Eid of fasting.

Jagonews: How did it feel to spend the first Eid without your parents?

Heart: I missed a bit. For the first time, Eid felt a little bad without parents. The first Eid felt a little bad without brothers and sisters and relatives.

But that bad level did not last very long. There was no chance. Because we had a game that day. After praying, we went to the field to play. So there was no time to fill in that way. Later I was enjoying the game.

Jago News: This year’s fasting Eid is a little different? After getting a place in the national team, the first Eid after wearing the title of national cricketer, is this feeling a little different?

Heart: Nah! normal Not at all different or new. same as before As I was before, I am still the same. I am still normal. So feel no difference in sensation. Nothing has changed in me.

Jago News: Even then, those who come to their homes to celebrate Eid with national cricketer’s colors on their bodies, family members, relatives, neighbors and friends, do they all look at you a little differently? Or are you thinking differently inside yourself?

Heart: No one in the family thinks so. And I can’t say how my neighbors and relatives feel and how they see me. Everyone has their own personal wishes and opinions. My family and I are just like before. I don’t have any different thoughts in me. I am now a cricketer of the national team, there is no question of thinking like that.

Jago News: Do you think there is any fundamental or major difference between this Premier League and the Premier League of other times?

Heart: Yes a lot of difference. The atmosphere of this year’s Premier League is different. This is the main difference. We have enjoyed this season the most in the number of premier leagues we have played in our life. I had the most fun playing this Premier League for Sheikh Jamal Dhanmondi Club. Really enjoyed working with Sohail sir.

Jago News: You mean Sheikh Jamal Dhanmondi club environment and head coach Sohail Islam?

Heart: yes Sohail sir had the opportunity to work with him long ago. A very good and positive person. Sohail sir has many qualities as a person. As people who have met him, know him, everyone will agree that Sohail sir is a good person. A person I like and like very much.

Never pressure the players. Allow players to be normal all the time. Because he keeps the pressure off, the players in his team get stressed and try to play well on their own. I can’t finish Sohail Sir’s Gun Kirtan in full. But in a word working with him and playing under him is a different kind of love and a good atmosphere to play with no pressure.

Alhamdulillah the Premier League went well. well played Getting a flow is important. I got that float by the grace of Allah. The longer this float is maintained the better.

Jago News: What is your relationship with Khaled Mahmud Sujan and how did you meet him?

Heart: Khaled Mahmud Sujan Sir has been said in many places. In a word, my playing life will remain incomplete without Sujan Sir (Khaled Mahmood Sujan). My career story is incomplete without him. If it wasn’t for Sujan sir, maybe I wouldn’t have become a cricketer.

Sujan Sir’s mentality is different. Sujan Sir likes not only to help but also to take up challenges. If you observe a little, you will see that in every BPL he challenges at least one young or old cricketer. He tried to break his team.

Tawhid hridoy

In this year’s BPL as well, he has played young Habibur Rahman Sohan as a challenge. In another BPL I played badly in all the matches, still Sujan sir played me. Everyone knows about him, how positive he is. How helpful.

Jago News: Your run-out with David Warner in the BPL a few years ago sparked a misunderstanding. You used to play for Sylhet then. Warner changed ends in a run to take singles and you stood still. A world class batsman like David Warner runs out looking for a strike. That was your debut match in BPL. Remember that event? Does that still move you?

Heart: Yes, I remember. I remember very well. That was my first BPL match. When I play in the field, I don’t mind where I am playing, which bowler is bowling against me. I just watch the ball and play. When I bat, I don’t think about who is batting with me.

When that incident happened, I was very young. It was my first BPL. Abhishek match I was not even familiar with that situation. In fact, I did not think what to do then. It doesn’t run. After hitting the ball, see the ball in the fielder’s hand. 95% of people will say, big player, world star – I should have come out of the crease.

Tawhid hridoy

But it didn’t work in my head at the time. Who am I batting with? Later after Warner got out, I felt like, hey my partner was David Warner! After he got out, I felt regret. Then thinking that my batting was ruined. Now if I was in such a situation David Warner why Virat Kohli was with me, then after the run out nothing else would have worked in my mind.

Jago News: Well heart! From the beginning of your international career, especially from this year’s BPL, it is seen that you bat with great confidence. It looks like you are very experienced. Very mature, hand-rolled batter. Where did you get so much confidence?

Heart: I just tried to be as positive as I could. May my intention be right. I changed my mind. The last BPL I played that bad has changed since then. I can play bad again. Bad times may come again. But I think if the approach and intent is right and positive, then most of the time everything will be in your favor.

Tawhid hridoy

Jago News: World Cup-winning U-19 youth team members Pervez Imon, Shamim Patwari and pacer Shariful have been called up to the national team before you, have played. You didn’t get a call to the national team then. Didn’t feel bad about it then?

Heart: My teammates are getting calls one by one. Getting a chance. But my stats are richer than them. From First Class to List ‘A’ for the Under-19 team – all stats are better than theirs. But still no disappointment and regret worked within me.

Because I knew, understood very well where I play, those who are there or play, they are very big and experienced stars. Many senior players, including Mushfiq Bhai, who are our pillars, play there. I used to push myself – I would get a chance only when I perform well and get noticed. Then I took a challenge to definitely go to that place and go late. I entered the national team without wanting to and came out after playing one match. I was thinking that if I go to that place, it is not possible to do better. I will play when I feel that I deserve that place after playing very well. My thinking was to go in well and dominate the game.

Jago News: You are full of praise and to whom you are most grateful, without him you might not be where you are today, Khaled Mahmud played his best innings in this league against Sujan’s team Abahani and won Sheikh Jamal. How did you feel that day? Tell me about the memory of that match and how it felt after being the best performer after winning the team?

Heart: To be honest, I was more focused on that match with Abahani than any other match in this league. I was attentive. A lot of stubbornness was working inside me. I played in Abahani last year. But could not do well. I was released from Abahani. I know Sir (Khaled Mahmood) had nothing much to do there. And in my career I have played under Sujan sir every time. This time Sheikh Jamal left Abahani.

I created it with trust and faith in myself. To play well – this urge was inside. I played well by the grace of God. I also played the match-winning knock. At one point I felt like I was dominating. They are watching my game. Abahani tried many tricks to get me out. The challenge I faced with Ireland in the national team also got me out. When I was told what to do? When I was playing Mere with Abhani, that was exactly what I was thinking. I will not make that mistake again. I have come very close to winning by controlling myself. I was very relieved to play that innings with Abahani (72 off 77) and against Prime Bank (118 off 98*).

Tawhid hridoy

Jago News: How much will you miss the Super League for Sheikh Jamal?

Heart: Tim will miss me, I will too. Because I was in good flow. Now everyone was thinking about me. I will also feel bad for not being able to play. I will also miss Sohail sir very much. Sir, the positive intent you have created in my batting. For example, in a match with Abahani, my score was 12-13 balls and 22-23 runs. But after two wickets fell very quickly, I felt now if I continue to play, and get out, the team might have problems. Immediately I changed my batting style and focused on lengthening the innings by dropping the game and was successful. This is actually education. Adapting oneself quickly to the environment is the real job of a batter and is very important.

Jago News: What are your thoughts on the series against Ireland? Are you thinking of doing something new and extra?

Heart: Actually I never overthink anything. Try to be normal. In anything. I will stay within my process. I have played in England before. In 2019, I played in the tri-nation tournament for the youth team. I also became the man of the series in the tri-nation series of England, Bangladesh and India. I had a lot of fun batting. I don’t know what will happen to the wicket now? I hope if I get a good start, then something good will happen inshallah.


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