Unpublished documents reveal the true role of Rosalind Franklin in the discovery of the structure of DNA

by time news

2023-04-26 09:39:00

Rosalind Franklin played a crucial role in discovering the structure of DNA. She was a chemist and crystallographer skilled in the X-ray diffraction technique, which allows images of the structure of crystallized molecules to be obtained.

In the 1950s, Franklin worked in the laboratory at King’s College London under Maurice Wilkins. During this time, he produced a series of high-quality X-ray images of DNA fibers, the most famous being the so-called “Photograph 51”. This image showed a helical structure, suggesting that the DNA had a double helix shape..

Rosalind Franklin, the true discoverer of the shape of DNA

Photograph 51 was shared without Franklin’s knowledge or consent with James Watson and Francis Crick, who were also working on the problem of the structure of DNA at Cambridge University. The information obtained from the photograph helped them develop their famous double helix model of DNA, for which Watson, Crick, and Wilkins received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1962.

However, new documents reveal that the story was not exactly like that.

#Unpublished #documents #reveal #true #role #Rosalind #Franklin #discovery #structure #DNA

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