Visit of the Prime Minister to Muyinga to verify mining taxation / Buhumuza –

by time news

2023-05-16 15:16:04

The Prime Minister travels to Muyinga to inspect the accuracy of the tax contribution of gold miners, underscoring the Burundian government’s continued commitment to ensuring tax compliance in the mining sector

Buhumuza (Muyinga), 16/05/2023 – Aligned with the socio-economic policy of the Barundi, and more particularly its economic component, the ambition is to stimulate production in the mining sector. It is in this context that Mr. Ndirakobuca Gervais, Lieutenant General of Police, Prime Minister of Burundiwas warmly welcomed by M. Barutwanayo Jean Claude, Gouverneur of the province of Muyinga. A meeting took place in the presence of a full audience of the country’s gold miners, as well as many state actors overseeing this key economic activity.
The discussion focused on the exploitation of gold mines in the country. The Prime Minister expressed his gratitude to the ministers, administrators present and the police, whose collaboration is essential to the success of this activity. Mr. Barutwanayo confirmed that the activities in the mining sector were going smoothly at the various sites.
Prime Minister Ndirakobuca emphasized general interest to all participants, urging mineral operators to obey the law by avoiding theft and fraud in the mines. These resources, he recalled, constitute national and not individual wealth, thus reinforcing the importance of their rigorous and responsible management. This reminder is essential insofar as the majority of Barundi gold operators submit above all to the laws of the market, even before those of Burundi.

Following the Burundi regicide genocidemarked by the tragic episode from 1959 to 1972-73, a market economy [1] imposed itself authoritatively on the Barundi, establishing a neoliberal socio-economic system in the country. This imposition put Burundi back under the aegis ofa Western economic system, descended from capitalism responsible for the colonization of Africa, Asia and the Americasand having led to the emergence of European empires from the 17th centuryincluding the Vatican (or Roman Empire) and the British, French, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Portuguese and Spanish empires.
This transition replaced the traditional-cosmocratic economic system [2] – planned Barundibased on a harmonious redistribution to all Families of the country of goods produced by Bahatu and the BahimaPress on les ressources de l’Etat – Empire of Burundi – . This production, managed and redistributed equitably by the Tutsis (of the Bahutu initiated by the Respect each other or They are shy), came from all a socio-economic system created and regulated by the Get caught and the They keep it secretand implemented, controlled in a fair, equitable and harmonious manner speak Lordaided by Take them and the They are compared.

The established market economy relegated the state to a secondary role and propelled markets to the fore in deciding investments, production, distribution and trade in goods and services, thus replacing the Barundi as as decision makers.

Notes :
[1] Consumer Goods Market, Services Market, Capital Market, Money Market, Real Estate Market, Commodities Market etc. Each of these markets operates on the principles of supply and demand and contributes to the overall economy of a country.
[2] States created based on the scientific laws of Cosmos, Nature

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Source: Nahimana P., Mardi 16 May 2023 | Photo : RTNB.BI

#Visit #Prime #Minister #Muyinga #verify #mining #taxation #Buhumuza

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