WHO issues a warning for the next pandemic

by time news

2023-05-23 18:24:00

The Covid-19 health emergency officially ended last year May 5, 2023. However, it does not mean that the coronavirus or other diseases have disappeared: there could be a new pandemic in the coming time and we must be prepared for it.


Tedros Adhanom, Director of the WHO.

From 2019 to 2023, the coronavirus caused more than 600 million cases in the world and more than 6.8 million dead; something that modified the structure of families, societies and economies. It is to avert this crisis that the Director General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus, now urges world leaders to invest in prevention strategies that slow the development of a possible pandemic: “when the next pandemic arrives, which it will, we must be prepared to respond decisively, collectively and equitably”.

“The threat of another emerging pathogen with even deadlier potential remains.”

Diseases are not the only threats facing humanity, however, the end of the recent pandemic experience may cause: on the one hand, fatigue and neglect by governments and of the population, or, conversely, a increased investment in public healthin research and planning. This second option is the one that the WHO supports in its speech, which coincides at the same time with the Sustainable Development Goals raised for 2030.

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