In private life too: get ahead of the Omikron wave

by time news

What if the power goes out? The question now arises in all seriousness. If the Omikron variant spreads as rapidly as feared, then tens of perhaps hundreds of thousands of men and women with a fever will soon be lying in bed instead of working for their electricity supplier. Or in the waterworks, supermarket, fire brigade, police, garbage disposal and so on. Then not only does the light stay off, but also the tap dry, the stove cold, the heater too, the telephone dead, as well as radio, television, computer, cell phone.

Not nice, but no need to panic – and there is still time for a little private provision. The Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief recommends having the bare minimum for a few difficult days anyway. Most things can be easily loaded up when shopping for Christmas: a pack of mineral water bottles per person, fresh batteries for the flashlight, candles, a few groceries that can be eaten without cooking – stollen, cookies, chocolate come into the house for the holidays anyway.

Crank radio and medication

The Federal Office even has a few recommendations that are well suited as a Christmas present: one of the great, climate-friendly crank radios, a power bank or the book “Cooking without electricity”. Anyone who already has a camping stove has an advantage. Anyone who needs medication can check whether they are sufficient if the pharmacy closes due to illness or if there are no supplies. This also helps avoid unrest if you have to be quarantined yourself.

This pandemic calls for forward-looking thinking, and politicians also want to be “in front of the wave”. In private life you have a lot in hand. Those who take precautions help themselves and alleviate the burden on weakened facilities in a crisis situation. Go ahead!


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