These are all the times early elections have been called and who won them

by time news

2023-05-29 13:52:07

It is May 29After knowing the results of the victory of the PP in municipal and regional elections, Pedro Sanchez has communicated, in an appearance, the advancement of the general elections scheduled for the end of this year to Sunday July 23 The political parties will be forced to speed up their campaign project to try to add the largest number of votes in the next elections.

Sources from Ferraz rule out that Pedro Sánchez is not going to be the candidate of the PSOE to the presidency of the Government in the general elections of July. “There is no dispute that Sánchez is going to be the candidate. He continues to be the best asset,” they assure laSexta. In this sense, many wonder what has been the reason for this decision and if Pedro Sánchez will do well with the strategy and although we will have to wait until the scrutiny of electoral day, we can look back at the occasions in which other presidents of the Government were forced to advance some elections and who was victorious.

Eight early calls

  • 1982: the elections were brought forward six months due to the crisis that the Unión de Centro Democrático experienced with the resignation of Adolfo Suárez in 1981 and the inauguration of Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo was marred by the coup d’état on February 23 of the year. For this reason, the UCD party itself pressured Calvo-Sotelo call the general elections for October 1982, elections in which Felipe González, as a candidate for the presidency of the PSOE, he achieved an overwhelming majority with 202 deputies.
  • 1986: González took advantage of the success of the referendum to remain in the I’LL TAKE to advance elections and get electoral revenue. However, he achieved a less bulky absolute majority with 184 seats.
  • 1989: The general strike of 1988 in Spain or 14-D, one of the most outstanding in recent Spanish history, against an important reform in the labor market, forced the elections to be brought forward nine months and the Government to negotiate with the majority unions . González left almost one million votes, but revalidated the absolute majority (175 deputies).
  • 1993: González called early elections in June 1993, several months before the appointment scheduled for November due to the political tension and the economic crisis that year. Although the Socialist candidate who was running for reelection did not achieve an absolute majority, he managed to formalize an investiture pact with the nationalist parties of Catalonia and the Basque Country (CiU and the PNV) for which he was reelected President of the Government.
  • 1996: The PSOE and Convergència i Unió failed to approve the General State Budgets after establishing a government coalition and the PSOE was forced to call the polls prematurely. After not even three years of the left-wing government, the Popular Party won the elections and José María Aznar entered La Moncloa.
  • 2000 y 2004: Aznar brought the elections forward several weeks so that it would not coincide with Holy Week. On the first occasion, the popular party achieved an absolute majority in the Congress of Deputies, but in the second elections, Aznar failed to invest himself as President again since José Luis Zapatero managed to distance himself from the PP and the PSOE, reaching 164 deputies, with the support of parties such as Izquierda Unida, BNG, Esquerra, managed to win the government.
  • 2011: the economic crisis of 2008 and the consequent popular rejection of the socialist government of that legislature forced José Zapatero to advance the voting by 4 months and Mariano Rajoy emerged victorious with an overwhelming majority.

#times #early #elections #called #won

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