pro climbers pissed off against Mamadi Doum-boiling

by time news

2023-05-25 18:16:08

On Wednesday May 24, nannies from the Rpg arc-en-ciel beat the pavement in Kankan and Siguiri, to demand the return to business of the former President Alpha Grimpeur. They also denounce the management of the Transition led by Colonel Mamadi Doum-bouillant.

The urban communes of Kankan and Siguiri, strongholds of the former ruling party, the rainbow Rpg of Alpha Grimpeur, where Mamadi Doum-bouillant is also from, recorded pro Grimpeur demonstrations. If until then, the party has not organized any major demonstration against the putsch of September 5, 2021, the nannies of the region, they protest, denounce and demand the return to business of their champion, in prolonged convalescence in Turkey .

What is behind this protest? If Mamadi Doum-bouillant, a native of Kankan, is no longer to be cherished in the area, it must be recognized that Alpha Grimpeur (another son of the region) was just as much, especially during his last years of reign: protests anti-shedding, case of contractual teachers. What Alpha Grimpeur compensated for by sending generators to supply the city of Kankan, which temporarily dissipated the discontent.

Since the fall of the Grimpeur on September 5, 2021, it is now that Kankan and Siguiri (capital of the rainbow Rpg) are rumbling! In addition, nannies, denouncing increasingly harsh living conditions, demanding the return of Alpha Grimpeur to command of the country. The recent video calls of Alpha Grimpeur live from Turkey with its activists and sympathizers from these corners, would have something to do with it? We know that this “political animal” does nothing by chance. What is certain, Alpha Grimpeur has not given up power. From Turkey, he recontacts Presidents, exchange with students and acquaintances…

This umpteenth demonstration in Kankan and Siguiri constitutes a significant alert to the CNRD regime which unilaterally runs its two years of Transition, in a tense socio-political context.

” Enough is enough ! »

Among the demonstrators, Ramatoulaye Kolon Diallo, former municipal councilor of Siguiri: “We want the return of President Alpha Condé. Enough is enough ! Mamadi Doumbouya came to power illegally, we will never sit back. Everything is stopped, even the reconstruction of the big market. Where are we going ? “According to her, the demonstration is only the beginning, “Mamadi Doumbouya must leave power. The women of Siguiri are ready now.”

According to local media, this is the third demonstration in Siguiri for Alpha Grimpeur’s return to business. Bakary Placé Keïta, coordinator of the demonstrators, announces: “Soon, we will take the whole city to demonstrate. The women are out, the men are preparing for a giant demonstration.

Kankan dans la danse

The same day, dozens of nannies gathered at the Komarala-Loisirs roundabout (city center), in front of the giant portrait of the President of the Transition, Mamadi Doum-bouillant. This portrait has been restored after being demolished during the recent anti-power shedding demonstrations. Like those of Siguiri, the nannies of Kankan demand the return of the former President Alpha Grimpeur to business and denounce the high cost of living, as well as the management of the Transition.

“We left because we were in a lot of pain. We are worried. We no longer have enough to feed our children. Alpha Condé was a real help for our empowerment. What he has done for women is priceless. We support him wholeheartedly until the end of time, ”claims Fanta Condé, one of the demonstrators.

Yaya Doumbouya

#pro #climbers #pissed #Mamadi #Doumboiling

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