Science within reach of the youngest

by time news

2023-06-14 07:04:15

More than 630 students from twelve centers have participated in the scientific education program IRBLleida-Fundació “la Caixa”|| Workshops to learn about the research being done in Lleida

Making research available to the youngest is the objective of the IRBLleida scientific workshops. During this year, more than 630 students between the ages of 12 and 16 from a dozen educational centers in Lleida have participated in these workshops. In its second edition, the research center launched the IRBLleida-Fundació “la Caixa” scientific education program last January to bring biomedical research closer to young people.

In the workshops, the students made a first approximation of what research for the benefit of health is, they met the research staff of Lleida and they delved into discovering the differences between a virus and a bacterium and resistance to antibiotics. In total, 12 workshops open to all the educational centers of the demarcation have been held and have participated, from Lleida city, the IE Torre Queralt centers, the Episcopal College, the Torrevicens Institute, the Guindàvols Institute, the Escola Sant Jaume-les Heures and the Institut la Mitjana. The Serra de Mollerussa Institute, the Seròs Institute, the Alpicat Institute, the Vedruna School in Balaguer, the Josep Vallverdú Institute in Les Borges Blanques and the Joan Solà Institute in Torrefarrera have also participated.

The program arose with the aim of promoting scientific vocations and making Lleida’s biomedical research known. The initiative includes different actions such as scientific workshops, the Nit de la Recerca and aid for high school students to spend a stay at IRBLleida. In the first edition of the programme, for the 2021-2022 academic year, more than 650 children between the ages of 12 and 16 from 13 educational centers in the Lleida region followed a scientific workshop at IRBLleida, with a DNA practice.

It should be remembered that last April, more than 130 first-year Baccalaureate students from Lleida institutes attended the II INspiracy Lleida, a day to publicize Lleida research and encourage the spirit of research among young people. The figure of the scientist Joan Oró was the theme of the day with talks on biomedicine, biotechnology, agriculture, artificial intelligence and the future of research. Research staff from Barcelona, ​​Madrid and Zaragoza also participated.

#Science #reach #youngest

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