Désirée and Pierre Philippe unite for life – Gabonews

by time news

2023-06-26 08:35:42

Désirée and Pierre Philippe unite for life

June 26, 2023

They decided to unite before God and before men. This first step consolidated, they still have to say “yes” to the institution of man to change their status and bury celibacy for good.

« Here this time is the one who is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh! She will be called woman, because she was taken from man “. This divine word pronounced by the first Man sounded obvious to Pierre Philippe for his tender sweetheart Désirée, because it is not good for the man to be alone, he needs a help similar to him. This help will help him in his journey on earth.

This first step of the engagement is validated under the blessing of the patriarchs of the two families, who did not fail to provide advice to the young couple for an unprecedented longevity.

Love is beautiful, love is intense and above all it is a source of joy, and this joy, Désirée and Pierre Philippe want their union to be an example for those who want to break with celibacy while having their eyes riveted on the Very High, because with him everything is possible.


#Désirée #Pierre #Philippe #unite #life #Gabonews

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