Expectation in Orrego’s partners for about 280 places in the Executive | Cuyo’s diary

by time news

2023-07-04 11:24:58

“In my administration, my partners from the front (United for San Juan) and, also, those leaders of another political color who want to contribute to the cause will have a part,” said governor-elect Marcelo Orrego yesterday. According to the current structure of the Executive Branch, there are around 280 political positions, including ministers, secretaries, undersecretaries and directors, which will be seen if they are maintained or reduced in the future administration. Based on the definitions of the Santa Luceño, there are expectations among the members of the winning coalition that there will be places for different leaders, although all those consulted were cautious and stressed that it will be the decision of the Production and Labor leader to surround himself with people he trusts. . It is not the only thing, since said party will have to cover about 70 positions in the City Hall of the Capital, after the victory of Susana Laciar, as long as the same organization chart is maintained.

As of December 10, the change between the government of Sergio Uñac and that of Orrego will take place, which will imply the renewal of the so-called political plant. The Executive scheme today has 11 ministries and three State secretariats with ministerial rank. They are the places with the greatest weight, visibility and, whose owners, are the executing arms of the policies that the Santa Luceño will lead. For this reason, it is a fact that they will be men and women of his extreme confidence and whom he considers most capable. In an interview on Radio Sarmiento’s Too Much Information program, the current national deputy acknowledged that he already has names for his cabinet, but clarified that, since there are five months left, he is going to take the necessary time for the definitions.

From the portfolios that the Government organization chart has today, the secretariats, sub-secretariats and addresses are deduced, which are around 280 places. In these boxes, the possibilities of the allies are considered, among which are those who have been coming for a long time in Together for Change (JxC), which was renamed UxSJ in the local election. In fact, Orrego himself announced, during the campaign, the team of some 300 professionals, from the different parties that are members of the alliance and independents, who worked in different areas to develop proposals and the government plan.

The deputy elected by Capital, Gustavo Fernández, from Citizen Dignity, highlighted the work that the technical team has been doing and pointed out that “there are expectations” regarding “opportunities” in the future administration “because it is a situation that we have discussed with Marcelo in the political table. Eduardo Castro, from the UCR, clarified that it is not that he has an expectation on a personal level, but stressed that “there may be recognition of the leaders who are working in the technical teams”, among them, of radicalism. For his part, Gustavo Usín, from Actuar, stated that if the government calls, “we are going to feel proud. In whatever is necessary, we are going to help and accompany them, but the layout has to be a topic that they feel comfortable with. the governor”. Enzo Cornejo, del Pro, did not answer the call of this medium.

Production and Work, in addition, has to cover the political plant in Capital, in the replacement that will take place between Laciar for Emilio Baistrocchi. According to the current organization chart, there are 68 positions that Orrego’s party must fill to carry out good management in the main district of the province.


As the born president of the Chamber of Deputies, Fabián Martín will need close figures who will perform in key positions. That is the case of the Administrative Secretary of the Chamber and the Legislative Secretary.


49 It is the percentage that Marcelo Orrego obtained on Sunday alone. This is, without counting what the spaces of Arancibia, Vallejos and Cáceres contributed.

base of support

In Production and Work they recognized that, when the brand new governor-elect had to choose leaders to hold weighty positions, he relied on municipal management figures, such as officials and councilors. He did it in the case of legislators who today occupy a seat in the Chamber of Deputies and, also, in the preparation of lists to compete in national elections. Thus, from Santa Lucía and Rivadavia, they see that Orrego can use leaders to be part of the Executive. Even in the district that Fabián Martín leads today and in which Sergio Miodowsky has been elected, they have been analyzing how the community management team will be formed as of December 10 and, within this framework, they have decided to “wait” in case any of them is summoned by Orrego. It is that, both in Santa Lucía and in Rivadavia there are leaders who know about management and who can contribute to the provincial project. In turn, the sources consulted remarked that, although there is a team for the Orreguista management, “it is not a matter of undressing a saint to dress another.” Aim not to neglect Santa Lucía and Rivadavia. The first is the stronghold of the Orrego and, in the second, there has been a renovation. Another point that they also analyze is how the Capital team will be formed.

#Expectation #Orregos #partners #places #Executive #Cuyos #diary

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