82% increase in corona exposure in a single day .. Peak corona .. Emergency consultation

by time news

Mumbai, First Published Dec 29, 2021, 9:06 PM IST

Daily corona exposure in Mumbai, Maharashtra, increased by 82 per cent in a single day. It is advised that corona treatment centers with high quality medical facilities should be on standby at any time.

The incidence of corona virus is increasing in many states in India. The number of infected people with the transmitted corona virus Omigron is on the rise. In this context, the impact of the corona on Mumbai, India’s economic capital, has risen sharply to a shocking 82 per cent in a single day. Chief Minister Uttam Thackeray has held urgent consultations with top officials on how to continue to control the corona.

Today’s one day vulnerability was 1,377 and today’s vulnerability has increased to 2,510. Currently 8,060 people are being treated for corona in Mumbai. So far 16,375 people have died of corona in Mumbai.
Following this, local staff began to engage in activities, including re-arranging oxygen cylinders and raising beds. Intensity of vaccination is being shown, especially among the elderly and children. Chief Minister Uttam Thackeray has warned that public places will be closed till the 31st and stern action will be taken against those who violate the New Year guidelines.

Police and officials are engaged in intensive surveillance to ensure that people follow curfew control procedures in public places. The government has also warned that companies violating the Corona rules will be locked up and sealed. Steps are being taken to vaccinate 15-18 year olds from January. According to officials, the Mumbai administration has prepared a list of health workers, front field workers and those over 60 years of age who have been vaccinated for the third time.

In the meantime it has been advised that the Gouda Corona treatment centers with high quality medical facilities set up on a massive scale should be ready at any time. So far, 54,000 beds are ready in Mumbai alone, according to the government. And three weeks later, the number of corona infections in Mumbai has peaked, with an increase of 188 per cent compared to the beginning of December.

Last Updated Dec 29, 2021, 9:06 PM IST


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