Pope Francis does not defend an empty pacifism

by time news

2023-07-14 20:01:00

July 14, 2023 / 1:01 p.m.

Mgr Paul Richard Gallagher, Vatican Secretary for Relations with States, defends Pope Francis’ public gestures to end the conflict in Ukraine and ensures that the Pontiff does not propose an “empty pacifism”.

This was stated by the Prelate during the presentation in Rome of the volume of the geopolitical magazine Limes entitled “Ukrainian Lessons”, which took place on Thursday, July 13.

The Archbishop wanted to clarify the position adopted by the Holy Father regarding the war in Ukraine and “the interpretation that has been given to his words and gestures.”

He explained that This is not just “peace rhetoric”, but of a courageous “prophecy of peace”. He also stressed that Pope Francis “does not want to resign himself to war and stubbornly believes in peace, inviting everyone to be his creative and courageous weavers and artisans.”

He also regretted that the Ukrainian people, as well as the government authorities of that nation and religious representatives have reacted to certain statements by the Holy Father “with deep disappointment.”

He assured that “the words and public gestures of the Pope are facts and their interpretation can be done with freedom and discretion”, but stressed that “interpreting them as ‘acts of empty pacifism’ does not do justice to the vision and intentions of the Holy Father”.

“What moves the Holy Father is nothing other than the will to make dialogue and peace possibleinspired by the principle that the Church should not use the language of politics, but the language of Jesus”, remarked Bishop Gallagher.

He also explained that the Holy See does not intend to “close its eyes” to war crimes by the Russian army and authorities, while recalling that the Pontiff clearly distinguishes between the aggressor and the attacked country, something for which reason it has also been rebuked on past occasions.

On the other hand, he pointed out that it is necessary to put an end to “the idea that there is nothing to do, that there is no place for words, for creative dialogue and diplomacy, that we must resign ourselves and accept the continuation of bitter combat that they sow death and destruction”, emphasizing at the same time that this war “must be stopped as soon as possible”.

On more than one occasion Pope Francis has expressed great concern about Ukrainewhich has been invaded and attacked by the Russian army since February 24, 2022.

It has already become commonplace for the Holy Father to ask for prayers for the “martyred Ukrainian people” during general audiences or on Sundays after the Angelus.

It has also sent Cardinal Krajewski, who has brought food and medicine to the victims of the conflict, close to the Pontiff.

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In addition, on June 6, the peace mission of Italian Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, sent by Pope Francis to kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, concluded.

Almudena Martínez-Bordiú is a Spanish journalist, correspondent for ACI Prensa in Rome and the Vatican, with four years of experience in religious information.

#Pope #Francis #defend #empty #pacifism

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