The 15% deduction for the purchase of electric cars will be extended to hybrids and motorcycles

by time news

2023-07-19 13:35:19

The purchase of “plug-in” electric vehicles formalized from this Friday will be eligible for the new deduction of 15% of personal income tax, with a maximum of up to 3,000 euros, provided for in the new anti-inflation measures decree approved this Tuesday by the Council of Ministers and published in Official Gazette of the State this same thursday The decree will enter into force this Friday and with it the new deduction of 15% in income tax and the rest of the measures contained in the rule.

Spain aims to reach 5.5 million electric cars by 2030. But of the more than 404,337 registrations made in the first five months of the year, only 18,419 (4.5%) were electric cars and 43,633 (10%) plug-in hybrids. To accelerate this low evolution, the Government has approved a relief of the Personal Income Tax (IRPF) 15% for the purchase, which may arrive up to a maximum of 3,000 euros.

From when?

The decree establishes that taxpayers will be able to have access to this deduction when the car is purchased, starting this Friday. “In this case the deduction will be made in the tax period in which the vehicle is registered”, according to the decree.

Or, when, after the entry into force of the decree, an amount on account is paid to the seller for the future acquisition of the vehicle that represents at least 25% of its acquisition value. “In this case, the deduction will be applied in the tax period in which such amount is paid, with the remainder having to be paid and the vehicle acquired before the end of the second tax period immediately following the one in which occurred the payment of that amount”, according to the text of the rule published in the BOE.

The new deduction will be extended until December 31, 2024. However, the measure will be capable of being extended until December 2025 after the European Union approves the addendum to the Recovery Plan that the Council of Ministers approved at the beginning of this month.

For what amount?

In both cases, the maximum basis of the deduction will be 20,000 euros and will be made up of the acquisition value of the vehicle, including the expenses and taxes inherent in the acquisition, having to discount those amounts that, if applicable, had been subsidized or were going to be subsidized through a public aid program. The maximum base of 20,000 euros is equivalent to saying that the maximum deduction will be 3,000 euros (after applying 15%). The taxpayer may apply the deduction provided for in this section for a single purchase.

For what type of vehicles?

The decree establishes that the relief may be applied to the purchase of passenger cars up to eight places i of motorcycleswhenever are not affected by an economic activity and be of first registration in Spain in the name of the taxpayer.

The models of the vehicles must appear in the IDAE Vehicle Database, ( and yours sale price cannot exceed the maximum amount established, if applicable, for each type of vehicle in Annex III of Royal Decree 266/2021, of April 13 (which regulates MOVES III)

In addition, they will have to meet the requirements of being pure electric, plug-in hybrid, extended range (EREV), fuel cell or fuel cell hybrid vehicles.

Is it compatible with MOVES program aids?

A user can be a beneficiary of the new 15% reduction in personal income tax and at the same time apply for the subsidy of programa MOVES which also contributes purchase incentivesbut in return a car more than seven years old must be delivered for turn the Spanish car fleet into scrap metal and reduce their average age, which now stands at around 12 years. In this case, the mover’s help can be up to 7,000 euros in the case of an electric car and up to 5,000 euros for plug-in hybrids. These aids are managed by the autonomous communities and will be available until December 31, 2023but the main complaint of the sector is that they take a long time to receive the money and they must then pay personal income tax.

Recharge systems: up to 600 euros

As a complement to the purchase of the electric vehicle, the Government has also activated a deduction of 15% in the personal income tax for individuals who install plug-in points to recharge the battery in a building of his property that will also come into force this Friday, after the publication in the BOE of the decree law. The requirement is to do so before December 31, 2024 and that this system is not linked to an economic activity. The maximum annual basis for this deduction will be 4,000 euros, which is equivalent to a maximum bonus of 600 euros (15%).

Company and freelancers

To companies and freelancers a tax incentive is also included, in this case through thecorporate tax (IS) for both private and public use facilities. In this case it isan early repayment system which will be implemented depending on the circumstances of each beneficiary and will be able to be enjoyed by those who install these plug-in points in the years 2023, 2024 or 2025. This measure complements the amortization already available in the corporate tax for the purchase of electric vehicles

In addition, you will be exempted from the need to obtain administrative authorization to charging facilities for high-powered electric vehicles, al declare all charging stations of public utility that have a power greater than 3 MW, raising the limit from 250 kW. The latter is a measure of administrative simplification and was requested by the autonomous communities and the sector in the Electric Vehicle Recharging Infrastructure Working Group (GTIRVE), as revealed by the Ministry for Ecological Transition.

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