They create a system for the efficient management of electricity in public universities | An initiative to optimize resources and raise awareness

by time news

2023-08-01 04:31:12

Researchers from the Arturo Jauretche National University (UNAJ) carry out a project called GENUP 2.0 that promotes the responsible and efficient use of energy in national public universities, with a management system adapted to each one of the venues. Although there are general guidelines to comply with this premise in public buildings, academic activities are diverse and have particular requirements. In this sense, improving the quality of lighting, adapting air conditioning and ventilation systems, using renewable energy sources and smart technologies are some of the premises to move towards the objective.

“GENUP2.0 is a work proposal that seeks to establish a procedure to implement an energy management system in universities taking into account the characteristics and needs of these institutions”, explains Bárbara Brea, project director.

Although there is a decree published in 2007 that details how electricity should be managed in public buildings, the activities that are carried out in universities have nothing to do with those that can be carried out in military bases, hospitals or economic and administrative dependencies. “Not all buildings have the same requirements or the same dynamics of use, nor are they the same user profiles or human resources that it has,” Brea details.

smart options

According to the specialist, an energy management system helps to know how this resource is used in the institution where it is implemented. In turn, this makes it possible to implement actions to achieve adequate efficiency goals that can be achieved in a given period. “From there, new objectives can be generated that allow us to work under a continuous improvement approach, associated with the energy transition,” she says.

There are various initiatives that these institutions can implement to reduce their energy consumption. The installation of efficient lighting systems, the optimization of air conditioning and ventilation systems, the use of renewable energy sources and the adoption of intelligent technologies are some of the guiding lines that guide the efforts of the project.

In addition to the economic and environmental benefits, energy efficiency in universities can contribute to the generation of knowledge and the training of professionals committed to sustainability. Through research and innovation, it is possible to develop advanced technological solutions and encourage hands-on learning for students.

Environmental and economic commitment

The intelligent consumption of electrical energy is a necessity for the development of society. For this reason, “it is important to avoid unnecessary spending on resources that are not essential and to exhaustively evaluate where and how it is being consumed to identify possible sources of waste,” highlights Brea.

The implementation of saving measures not only represents an economic benefit, but also fosters an increase in the awareness and commitment of the entire university community. “By adopting sustainable practices, academic institutions can become role models for other organizations, demonstrating that it is possible to reconcile academic development with the environment,” underlines the researcher, who is also a professor at UNAJ.

Energy efficiency aims to obtain the best results in any activity, using the least possible amount of energy resources. In this regard, the audit of university buildings makes it possible to establish the best conditions of use with the lowest possible consumption, through measures related to the efficiency of the equipment and the architectural adequacy of the venues. In addition to knowing the use of electricity of the devices, it investigates the state of habitability of the different spaces and analyzes the temperature, humidity, lighting and ventilation.

For the UNAJ specialist, having an energy assessment of buildings is key. “If we do not know what our baseline is, we will not be able to assess the impact of the energy efficiency actions that we carry out. The energy evaluation of the building, which can be carried out in different ways, allows us to have the basic data for decision making”.

At the end of 2022, through an agreement between UNAJ and the YPF Foundation, solar panels were placed on some University buildings. In addition to teachers and students, students from the Secondary School of Technical Education No. 2 of Quilmes participated in the installation.

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