Funds to implement the National Oncology Plan distributed according to precise indicators in the

by time news

2023-08-01 13:27:44

at MGF

The allocation of Fund resources for the implementation of the NOP must take place on the basis of criteria established at the national level to guarantee the same rights to all patients. The final go-ahead from the Senate is awaited

The allocation of Fund resources for the implementation of National cancer plan 2023-2027 it will have to take place according to precise indicators of the levels of health services established at national level, also making use of the opinion and experience of the Associations of cancer patients. Monitoring their compliance in all regions – therefore without differences between patients according to their place of residence – will be the Standing Committee for the verification of the disbursement of the Lea, the essential levels of assistance (the services that must be guaranteed to each patient throughout the national territory, ed). the provisions of the amendment inserted (and approved) in the bill

of conversion

of the Decree n. 75 of 22 June 2023, known as Public Administration Decree bis, which obtained the confidence of the Chamber of Deputies on 31 July. The text of the decree, before being converted into law, must be definitively approved in the second reading in the Senate.

Resources for implementing the Oncology Plan

Current legislation on resources for the implementation of the National Oncology Plan has provided for the establishment, for the years 2023-2027, of a Fund for the implementation of the 2023-2027 National Oncology Plan, establishing the criteria for allocating it between Regions and autonomous provinces on the basis of specific regional needs. The Fund, established in the estimates of the Ministry of Health, called Fund for the implementation of the National Oncology Plan 2023-2027 – PON, has an endowment of 10 million euros for each of the years from 2023 to 2027 and is intended for strengthening strategies and actions for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and assistance of cancer patients.

The changes introduced by the amendment

The amendment

on the indicators of health performance levels (approved during the work of the Commissions in the Chamber of Deputies, included in the Public Administration Decree bis) goes to amend some current provisions, providing that the allocation of the resources of the Fund for the implementation of the National Oncology Plan takes place according to precise indicators of the levels of healthcare services established at national level, to be respected in all regions and autonomous provinces, also making use of the opinion and experience of the Associations of cancer patients.
Says the honorable Vanessa Cattoi, coordinator of the parliamentary Intergroup Together for a commitment against cancer to the Chamber of Deputies: This is an important element of our commitment as parliamentarians of the Intergroup which provides for the direct involvement of the Associations in the implementation of the PON. The amendment was signed by all the political forces representing Parliament, united in the fight against cancer.
Now we await the final go-ahead from the Senate.

The applause of the Patients’ Associations

This is an important milestone, according to the 45 patient associations belonging to the group Health: a good to defend, a right to promote, which operates in the oncological and onco-haematological fields to ensure fair and homogeneous assistance and treatment for all patients throughout the country, and which had taken action in favor of the measure together with the parliamentary intergroup Together for a commitment against cancer of the room.
Comment Annamaria Mancuso, president of Salute Donna Odv and coordinator of the group “Health: an asset to defend, a right to promote”: The proposed and approved amendment asked to include two fundamental points in the National Oncological Plan (PON): precise indicators the levels of health services, which must be established at national level and which the Regions and Autonomous Provinces will be called upon to respect in order to contrast and measure regional inhomogeneities and avoid that there are patients of series A and patients of series B; make use of the opinion and experience of Patient Associations to measure the performance of the Regions together with the LEA Committee.

August 1, 2023 (change August 1, 2023 | 1:27 pm)

#Funds #implement #National #Oncology #Plan #distributed #precise #indicators

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