“I would like to reiterate my commitment to continue to work (…) – Gabonews

by time news

2023-08-03 14:39:08

“I would like to reiterate my commitment to continue to work for peaceful elections in Gabon, in accordance with the mandate of Unoca”

August 3, 2023

The capacity building seminar for journalists opened on August 3, 2023 in Lambaréné in the presence of the authorities of the High Authority for Communication (HAC). Abdou Abarry, Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations for Central Africa, Head of Unoca recalled in his speech that “The freedom of expression that you enjoy must therefore be used not to fuel violence and settling of political scores fueled by slander, insult and defamation, but to contribute, alongside other actors, to maintaining a climate of peace and security during the crucial period which begins on August 11 with the launch of the election campaign”

Allow me first of all to express my gratitude to the authorities of Moyen-Ogooué for their warm welcome and for the attention my delegation and I have received since our arrival in this beautiful province.

It is a real pleasure for me to be among you, and to take part in this official opening ceremony of the capacity-building seminar for journalists on ” the fundamentals of a free and regulated media ecosystem during elections ».

Organized by the High Authority for Communication (HAC) ahead of the presidential, legislative and local elections on August 26, this important meeting comes at the right time to contribute to the prevention and the fight against the possible rise in the discourse of hatred and stigmatization of certain candidates, but also, the high exposure of the public to misinformation, disinformation and misinformation.

It will, I am sure, allow the professionals that you are to discuss the ways and means of avoiding these scourges which undermine democracy as well as living together in most of our societies, during election periods. .

The experts mobilized for the occasion will no doubt remind you of your duties in this area, as set out in the Journalist’s Charter of Ethics and Deontology as well as in the Communication Code. They will also give you the tools and techniques necessary for the appropriate processing of information, particularly during an election period when it is important to scrupulously observe the principles of balance, fairness and equality.

In particular, you are invited to show neutrality and impartiality in the coverage of information in order to allow each citizen to have access to a reliable source. By doing so, you also help voters to fully understand the social projects and the political offer of the candidates so that they can freely form their opinion in order to make their choice in full knowledge of the facts.

In this respect, I am happy to note that the terms of reference for this seminar stress that, at the end of the work, the participants should be more ” armed ” for a ” free, reasoned and responsible media coverage of the ongoing electoral process “. Similarly, it is expected that this meeting will promote a strengthening of trust between all the actors of the great Gabonese family of communication and information professionals.

UNOCA is very attentive to all the other issues that will be discussed during the three days you will spend here in Lambaréné, including those related to the responsibility of journalists in the era of social networks. In this perspective, their role in promoting peace and social cohesion before, during and after the elections is of paramount importance.

For my part, I am counting on each and every one of you to play this role with abnegation, bearing in mind the general interest of your readers, listeners and viewers. The freedom of expression you enjoy must therefore be used not to fuel violence and the settling of political scores fueled by slander, insult and defamation, but to contribute, alongside other actors, to maintaining a climate of peace and security during the crucial period which begins on August 11 with the launch of the electoral campaign.

As a regulatory body, the High Authority for Communication will have the opportunity to recall its prerogatives and missions in this essential area. The presence at this seminar of professional associations also offers an opportunity to continue discussions on the issues of self-regulation.

The Gabonese Council for Freedom of Communication (CGLC) recognizes that “ more men [et les femmes] medias [s’y] will submit […]the less lawsuits will be brought against them and the public authorities tempted to intervene “. Likewise, ” the more they are subject to it, the more the offer will gain in quality ».

The charters of good conduct for the media and journalists during the election period are part of this dynamic. This is why I encourage you to think about such a tool, the usefulness of which had already been mentioned in the context of the 2016 presidential election in Gabon and in other Central African countries where UNOCA had contributed to the training of information professionals.

In this charter, the participants had clearly highlighted the role of the media in the preservation of social peace, cohesion and national unity as well as in the promotion of human rights during electoral processes. Similarly, they castigate practices such as corruption or the buying of consciences, considered as phenomena that negatively and seriously impact the independence of journalists in an environment characterized by the difficult conditions in which the media operate.

For its part, UNOCA reiterates, through me, its commitment to support inclusive and peaceful elections in Gabon. I also reaffirm my readiness to offer the good offices of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to guarantee its success. I call for elections whose results will reflect the choice or choices freely expressed by the people after a credible, transparent, participatory and sincere process.

Through my contacts with political leaders, I have already been able to perceive a real desire for dialogue among political actors. This posture is crucial because it alone will allow the smooth running of the electoral process.

Before concluding, I would also like to specify that our association with the organization of this seminar is part of the continuity of our actions in favor of the development of a pluralistic and economically viable press as well as for the promotion of the safety of journalists. , in accordance with resolution 2222 adopted on May 27, 2015 by the Security Council.

Beyond the issues related to the protection of media professionals, this resolution recalls the importance of free, independent and impartial media in the construction and consolidation of a democratic society. It is therefore necessary to strengthen the mechanisms facilitating access to official sources of information and those guaranteeing the physical and intellectual integrity of journalists, among others.

In this spirit, UNOCA also encourages interactions with other professional bodies, including the defense and security forces, which constitute a valuable partner for the media, particularly during elections.

To conclude, I would like to reiterate my commitment to continue to work for peaceful elections in Gabon, in accordance with UNOCA’s mandate. As I said to the Security Council on June 5 when presenting the Secretary-General’s report on the situation in the subregion and on the activities of UNOCA, we will ensure that the episodes of violence that have marked elections in the past to be avoided at all costs.

In this respect, your assistance will be invaluable because the stability and sustainable development of Gabon are at stake, which is and must remain a country where peace and social tranquility reign. It is together that we will be able to preserve this social peace and tranquility!

I thank you for your kind attention and wish you every success in your work.

Abdou Abarri,

Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations

for Central Africa, Head of Unoca

#reiterate #commitment #continue #work #Gabonews

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