You must undertake: A training seminar for (…) – Gabonews

by time news

2023-08-06 16:43:50

You must undertake: A training seminar to better support future entrepreneurs

August 6, 2023

In a mall of the place took place from July 31 to August 4, a training seminar organized by Bistephe Academy called VDE (You Must Undertake). This initiative was mainly aimed at entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs in order to better support them in the creation of businesses.

For 5 days, the designer Stéphane Edgard BISSANGOYE returned to several modules, including seven, with the specificity of developing self-confidence, defining objectives, how to undertake, the power of savings, managing the finances of the business, the art of sales and negotiation. It was important for the trainer to go back to the basics of setting up a commercial structure in order to give the young aspirants the tools necessary to achieve this.

The short, medium and long term objective is to encourage as many people as possible to take an interest in entrepreneurship, which for the head of the Bistephe Académie would be the means by which many could get out of unemployment or be financially independent. This training concerned students, working people, or even the unemployed and professionals. During an intervention, Stéphane Edgard BISSANGOYE recalled that each individual, regardless of status, has the duty, after this training, to set up an entrepreneurial activity.

With the help of his book You must undertake », the author and trainer wants to bring this triggering element to his « students “. The young student at the University of Health Science, Baloucki Samira Stéphie, was satisfied with the rendering because according to the latter ” Gabon needs entrepreneurs to get young Gabonese out of unemployment “. A thought also shared by the young 17-year-old entrepreneur Ngoutou Joany, owner of a commercial structure that produces natural drinks, ” this training was very edifying, and it was a plus for the process to follow, because as an entrepreneur, we seek constant evolution, and with the Bistephe Académie, I further enriched my knowledge ».

As Stéphane Edgard BISSANGOYE said, ” the dream is evasive, but the goal is precise », the aspirants became aware of this on leaving the seminary.


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