Jean-Claude Ogouliguende opens his campaign in Akanda for (…) – Gabonews

by time news

2023-08-17 00:53:55

Jean-Claude Ogouliguendé opens his campaign in Akanda for locals

August 16, 2023

Legislative and local campaigns are officially open on August 16, 2023 throughout Gabon. The various candidates for these electoral contests have launched their meetings and political talks to convince voters to vote for them. This is the case of Jean-Claude Ogouliguendé, head of the local list of the 2nd arrondissement of the commune of Akanda. The retired academic and Colonel is taking part in this electoral contest on behalf of the Citizen Collective Intelligence Movement for Participatory Democracy and Sustainable Development (ICOD).

The inhabitants of the 2nd arrondissement of the commune of Akanda responded to Jean-Claude Ogouliguendé’s call. He is a candidate and head of the local list, in the 2nd arrondissement of the commune of Akanda. Its ambitions are noble, those of combining with the populations of this electoral district to carry out, the fights which are theirs. ” I present myself, with my running mate, for the election of municipal councilors on August 26 in the 2nd arrondissement of our beautiful commune, namely Akanda, on behalf of the Mouvement citoyen Collective Intelligence for Participatory Democracy and Sustainable Development (ICOD)“ he specifies.

Discussing with his voters, the candidate not only explained to each other the reasons for his candidacy, even more so why ICOD. ICOD to put the citizen that you are, that we are at the heart of the development of the city. ICOD is inclusion, ICOD is the participation of all, ICOD is the combination, the pooling of all forces, all energies, all skills, so that together we can build the new building that we all dream of for our community” he clearly explained.

Having understood the vision of their candidate, the voters did not fail to raise their various concerns. Land, youth unemployment, the high cost of living often came up during exchanges. These populations of the 2nd arrondissement have constantly reminded the candidates of these concerns, which for them are daily. They want solutions to be found. They too want to live with dignity. Water and electricity in their environment. “We need you, as you need us. We will do what we have to do hoping that you will return the favor“reassures one of the potential voters.

Two legislative candidates were presented during this first meeting with voters. They are Baudoin Mouélé and his deputy Léon Mébiame on behalf of “Akanda Will Host, Will Intelligent“. They promise to defend land, fight youth unemployment…”Every man needs to have a safe space, protected by law. This is why we are asking for your votes. Once at the town hall and in parliament, we will defend your interests. We will fight together to find collective solutions“let know Léon Mébiame in place of its holder prevented.

Resuming the floor, Jean-Claude Ogouliguendé indicated that questions relating to their future and their collective life represent the basis of citizenship. For him, all Gabonese, all Akandais, must commit themselves, take an interest in the development of our district, of the commune, of the whole country. “Deciding to trust us is choosing inclusion!! Deciding to vote for ICOD means participating, counting for the development of your municipality. Deciding to vote for ICOD means giving youth a chance and trusting the wisdom of the elders.” he concludes.

Voters have been informed that they must pick up their voter registration cards from August 15 to 25. Also, they were motivated to go and fulfill their civic duty, to vote Jean-Claude Ogouliguendé for the local elections, Baudoin Mouélé and Léon Mébiame for the legislative elections, on August 26, 2023. Remember that the opening of the political talk has was preceded by a football tournament. The young people of the city competed in talent and the best team won.


#JeanClaude #Ogouliguende #opens #campaign #Akanda #Gabonews

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