what is it, where is it common and how is it spread?

by time news

2023-08-26 10:00:00

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When we think of him deadliest animal on the planet, often our gaze tends to point to large predators, such as killer whales, tigers or crocodiles. We would never imagine, in fact, that the number one position in that ranking would be occupied by the mosquito: that annoying flying insect, but apparently so easy to get out of the way.

Video: Mosquitoes and their key role in ecosystems

Although it is not agile, nor does it have sharp teeth or claws, unlike other species with a worse reputation, mosquitoescan transmit viral diseases through the infected blood that they carry from one human to another. He dengue is one of them, which travels in the species Aedes (Temples of the Egyptians o Aedes albopictus).

Dengue and Zika viruses attract mosquitoes by altering the scent of their hosts

The regions most historically affected by the virus are the tropical and subtropical areas of the planet, especially urban and semi-urban areas with deficiencies in drinking water and hygiene. Thus, so far in 2023, there have been more than 3 million new infections in the Americas alonewhich, together with sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia, is the region of the world that suffers the most from this disease.

How is dengue spread?

The dengue virus (DENV) belongs to the family Flaviviridaemade up of four serotypes called from DENV1 to DENV4. It is only transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes, so close contact with a person who has it does not pose a risk.


The virus is only contracted by the bite of an infected mosquito, never by contact with a person who has it.

On most occasions, symptoms appear 4 to 10 days later of receiving the bite, although they can be confused with those of a flu. But, depending on the hygiene conditions of the area or access to health services, the disease can worsen and become fatalwhich is clinically called severe dengue, dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome.

At this level, blood vessels become damaged and leak, so decreases the amount of platelets in the bloodstream. The warning signs are:

Severe stomach pain Persistent vomiting Bleeding gums or nose Blood in urine, stool, or vomit Bleeding under the skin, which may look like a bruise (hematoma) Difficulty or rapid breathing

In case of presenting a picture as such, you should see a doctor immediately, since, although There is no specific treatment for denguemuscle pain caused by the infection can be relieved with medication.

With this, a person recovered from dengue will later and long-term immunity against the serotype the one he was infected with, but not in front of the other three. In fact, recent research has revealed that previous dengue virus infection increases the risk of severe symptoms if the disease is contracted again. That is why in countries where a high incidence of the virus is reported, a vaccine has been approved exclusively for people between the ages of 9 and 45 who have already suffered from it.

What is its range and why?

Dengue is a endemic disease, although in recent years outbreaks have appeared in the United States and some European countries. According to the map produced by HealthMapthe virus is mainly concentrated in tropical and subtropical areas: Central American and Caribbean countries, South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia.

In this sense, taking into account the population density of these regions, Nearly half of the world’s population is at risk of contracting it.which is why it has been considered a global problem since the 1960s. Currently, since there is no specific treatment to combat the disease, and in the face of an alarming record of cases so far in 2023, several entities, such as the Pan American Organization for Health (PAHO), WHO and state governments, insist on prevention by the population. Can reduce the risk of contracting dengue protecting yourself from mosquito bites with:

Clothing that covers the body as much as possible Screens on windows Mosquito repellents (containing DEET, Icaridin or IR3535) Smoke coils and aerosols

With this, to deal with this and other viruses, the United Nations Organization raised in the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 a specific strategy divided into three lines of action: water, sanitation and hygiene. Because although anyone who travels to tropical areas is exposed to contagion, the vectors of the virus –Temples of the Egyptians o Aedes albopictus– They proliferate in stagnant water, which is more common in areas of extreme poverty. And this, added to poor access to medical care, not only becomes a public health problem, but also one of social inequality.

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